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본 연구는 국내에서 보완대체 의사소통 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있는데도 불구하고 막상 중재를 할 때는 그림이나 사진 또는 선행연구에서 주로 사용하였던 상징 등을 어떠한 선정과정 없이 사용하고 있는 실정에서 문헌 연구를 통해 보완대체 의사소통 상징체계의 선정 요인과 선정 방법에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 보완대체 의사소통 상징체계의 선정 요인에는 상징체계만의 특성 면에서 상징체계의 형상성, 실제성, 선명도, 학습용이성 등이 강조되었으며, 이외 사용자의 변인으로 인지나 언어 및 운동능력 등이 선정요인으로 강조되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 요인들 중 상징체계만의 특성 면에서 여러 연구에서 많이 강조되는 상징체계의 형상성과 학습용이성에 대해 살펴보았으며, 형상성과 학습용이성의 구체적인 측정방법에 대해 알아보았다.

Although there has been lots of studies of Augmentative and Alternative Communication(AAC) in Korea, most of studies have used symbol system imported from foreign country or limited on just picture without selecting process of symbol system. The purpose of this study was to review literatures to find the variables to be considered for selecting symbol system and specially know about iconicity and learnability of symbol system among the variables. The conclusion through the review of literatures is as follows: First, the selecting variables of AAC symbol system include inherent features of symbol system and users' factor. The variables regarding the former include iconicity and learnability of symbol system, speech output, spoken language comprehension of the referent, concreteness of the referent, the reinforcement value of the referent and correspondence etc. The variables regarding the latter include intellectual and language feature, mobility and identify ability of users. Second, most of studies have research about iconicity and learnability comparison among various symbol systems. Iconicity is the visual representation depicted by nonspeech symbols, in particular their ability to visually resemble or suggest their referents. Some symbol systems may be easier to learn because of the degree of iconicity that is inherent in the symbols themselves. Third, research methods regarding symbol selecting include visual or auditory match-to-sample design, a paired-associate transfer-of training stimulus equivalence learning task design and using test booklets providing illustrations of a target item and their foils considering nouns, verbs, descriptors.

Although there has been lots of studies of Augmentative and Alternative Communication(AAC) in Korea, most of studies have used symbol system imported from foreign country or limited on just picture without selecting process of symbol system. The purpose of this study was to review literatures to find the variables to be considered for selecting symbol system and specially know about iconicity and learnability of symbol system among the variables. The conclusion through the review of literatures is as follows: First, the selecting variables of AAC symbol system include inherent features of symbol system and users' factor. The variables regarding the former include iconicity and learnability of symbol system, speech output, spoken language comprehension of the referent, concreteness of the referent, the reinforcement value of the referent and correspondence etc. The variables regarding the latter include intellectual and language feature, mobility and identify ability of users. Second, most of studies have research about iconicity and learnability comparison among various symbol systems. Iconicity is the visual representation depicted by nonspeech symbols, in particular their ability to visually resemble or suggest their referents. Some symbol systems may be easier to learn because of the degree of iconicity that is inherent in the symbols themselves. Third, research methods regarding symbol selecting include visual or auditory match-to-sample design, a paired-associate transfer-of training stimulus equivalence learning task design and using test booklets providing illustrations of a target item and their foils considering nouns, verbs, descriptors.