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본 연구는 뇌성마비인의 고용여부와 고용된 뇌성마비인의 임금 수준이 어떠한 요인에 의해 결정되는지에 대한 예비조사(pilot-test) 분석을 통하여, 이론적으로 우리나라 뇌성마비인과 노동시장과의 관계를 규명하고 정책적으로 뇌성마비인들의 고용여부와 그들의 임금에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석함으로써 본조사시에 뇌성마비인의 낮은 고용률과 저임금구조를 해소하기 위한 방안 모색의 근거를 마련하고자 하였다. 가설이 지지된 것을 중심으로 살펴보면, 뇌성마비인이 가구주인 경우 취업할 가능성이 높으며, 연령이 증가할수록 임금수준이 높다. 일상생활능력이 높을수록 고용가능성이 높다는 결과가 나타났으며, 직무형태와 관련하여 직무형태가 비전문생산직일수록 임금 수준이 높다는 결과가 나타났다. 본 연구가 예비조사이므로 구체적인 함의는 제시하기 어렵지만 예견되는 함의는, 첫째, 뇌성마비인의 고용이 결정되는 메커니즘과 고용된 뇌성마비인의 임금수준이 결정되는 메커니즘이 매우 상이하기 때문에 고용증진을 위한 정책과 임금수준 향상을 위한 정책은 분리되어 정립되어야 한다는 점이다. 둘째, 뇌성마비인의 생산성 고양을 위한 뇌성마비인의 손상유형에 따른 적합한 직무의 개발과 작업시설의 확충이 요구된다.

This paper, by analyzing with a pilot-test on employment status and determinants of wages for employees with cerebral palsy, examining the relations of employees with cerebral palsy in Korea and the labor market, and analyzing the employment feasibility of people with cerebral palsy and factors influencing their wages, searches for a general plan to resolve the low employment rate and wage system of the cerebral palsy employees. The results of examining the supported hypotheses were: first, the person with cerebral palsy was likely to be hired when he/she was the head of his/her household, and the wage levels were found to be higher in older age groups. Greater capability in carrying out everyday lives led to higher employment chances. In job types, the nonprofessional manufacturing jobs provided higher wages. Due to the characteristics of this study as a pilot-test, it is difficult to suggest a definite conclusion; however, the following conclusions can be anticipated. First, the mechanisms of employment decisions and wage level determinants of people with cerebral palsy differ to a great degree. The policies of employment promotion and wage promotion must be seperated from each other. Second, in order to enhance the productivity of cerebral palsy employees, developments of appropriate job tasks and expansion of operating facilities are required.

This paper, by analyzing with a pilot-test on employment status and determinants of wages for employees with cerebral palsy, examining the relations of employees with cerebral palsy in Korea and the labor market, and analyzing the employment feasibility of people with cerebral palsy and factors influencing their wages, searches for a general plan to resolve the low employment rate and wage system of the cerebral palsy employees. The results of examining the supported hypotheses were: first, the person with cerebral palsy was likely to be hired when he/she was the head of his/her household, and the wage levels were found to be higher in older age groups. Greater capability in carrying out everyday lives led to higher employment chances. In job types, the nonprofessional manufacturing jobs provided higher wages. Due to the characteristics of this study as a pilot-test, it is difficult to suggest a definite conclusion; however, the following conclusions can be anticipated. First, the mechanisms of employment decisions and wage level determinants of people with cerebral palsy differ to a great degree. The policies of employment promotion and wage promotion must be seperated from each other. Second, in order to enhance the productivity of cerebral palsy employees, developments of appropriate job tasks and expansion of operating facilities are required.