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본 연구는 간질성 발작 증후를 나타내는 특수교육 대상 학생들의 회복기 행동 특성과 회복 시간 그리고 귀가 조치 방법을 분석하는데 목적이 있었다. 5개 장애영역, 14개 특수학교 유초중고등부, 전공과 학생 238명의 자료를 수집하여 처리하였다. 연구의 결과와 논의를 통하여 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 간질성 발작 증후 특수교육 대상 학생들의 회복기 행동 특성은 의식혼미, 전신무력감, 심한 피로감이 가장 높다. 둘째, 간질성 발작 증후 특수교육 대상 학생들의 의식 회복 시간은 20~25분 정도가 가장 많다. 따라서 발작이 끝난 후 약 30분 이상의 의식회복에 대한 세밀한 관찰이 요망된다. 셋째, 간질성 발작 증후 특수교육 대상 학생들의 귀가 조치 방법은 보호자와 동행하는 경우가 반수 이상이다.

The purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of recovery phase behavior for the seizures students with disabilities in special school. The subject of this study were 238 seizures students with disabilities in the special school. This study was accomplished by recovery phase behavior for the seizures student with disabilities and response on the observation questionnaire of classroom teachers. Neurological condition, epilepsy from time to time produces brief disturbances in the normal electrical functions of the brain. Normal brain function is made possible by millions of tiny electrical charges passing between nerve cells in the brain to all part of the body. When someone has epilepsy, this normal pattern may be interrupted by intermittent bursts of electrical energy that are much more intense than usual. They may affect a person's consciousness, bodily movements, or sensations for a short time. A seizures is a cluster of behaviors that occur in response to abnormal neurochemical activity in the brain. The results of this study were as follows; First, the characteristics of recovery phase behavior for the seizures students with disabilities were lose of consciousness, a feeling of helplessness, and tireness. Second, the time of recovery phase behavior for the seiznres students with disabilities was about 20~25 minutes. Finally, the treatment methods of returning home for the seizures students with disabilities was more than half to a protector going together.

The purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of recovery phase behavior for the seizures students with disabilities in special school. The subject of this study were 238 seizures students with disabilities in the special school. This study was accomplished by recovery phase behavior for the seizures student with disabilities and response on the observation questionnaire of classroom teachers. Neurological condition, epilepsy from time to time produces brief disturbances in the normal electrical functions of the brain. Normal brain function is made possible by millions of tiny electrical charges passing between nerve cells in the brain to all part of the body. When someone has epilepsy, this normal pattern may be interrupted by intermittent bursts of electrical energy that are much more intense than usual. They may affect a person's consciousness, bodily movements, or sensations for a short time. A seizures is a cluster of behaviors that occur in response to abnormal neurochemical activity in the brain. The results of this study were as follows; First, the characteristics of recovery phase behavior for the seizures students with disabilities were lose of consciousness, a feeling of helplessness, and tireness. Second, the time of recovery phase behavior for the seiznres students with disabilities was about 20~25 minutes. Finally, the treatment methods of returning home for the seizures students with disabilities was more than half to a protector going together.