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본 연구는 신문 활용 장애이해교육 프로그램이 일반유아의 장애 인식 및 태도와 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. Y시에 소재한 C유치원 만 5세반 두 학급의 유아 40명을 대상으로 실험처치를 실시하여 t검증한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 신문 활용 장애이해교육 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단이 통제집단 보다 장애 인식 점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 신문 활용 장애이해교육 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단이 통제집단 보다 장애 수용태도의 점수가 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 신문 활용 장애이해교육 프로그램에 참여한 실험집단이 비교집단 보다 친사회적행동의 하위영역인‘지도성’,‘도움주기’,‘의사소통’,‘주도적 배려','접근시도하기’,‘나누기’,‘감정이입 및 조절’등을 증진시키는데 효과적이었다.

This study was to investigate the effect of education program understanding disability using the newspapers on the general children's recognition and attitudes of disability and prosocial behavior. This study was to execute experimental treatment as an object of 40 children who were 5 years old in full in two classes C kindergarten located on Y city. From the result of t-test above, it may be summed up as follows. First, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability had higher score in the recognition of disability than the score in the control group. Second, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability had higher score in the attitudes of accepting the disability than the score in the control group. In addition, as to the disabled's ability, its recognition was changed from the recognition that the disabled could not do anything to the recognition that the disable could do everything positively. This researcher could think of the similarity with the friend with the disability. Third, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability was more effective in improving the subfields of prosocial behavior like 'leadership', 'offering help', 'communication', 'leading consideration', 'trying to approach', 'dividing', and 'empathy and control' than the ones in the control group.

This study was to investigate the effect of education program understanding disability using the newspapers on the general children's recognition and attitudes of disability and prosocial behavior. This study was to execute experimental treatment as an object of 40 children who were 5 years old in full in two classes C kindergarten located on Y city. From the result of t-test above, it may be summed up as follows. First, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability had higher score in the recognition of disability than the score in the control group. Second, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability had higher score in the attitudes of accepting the disability than the score in the control group. In addition, as to the disabled's ability, its recognition was changed from the recognition that the disabled could not do anything to the recognition that the disable could do everything positively. This researcher could think of the similarity with the friend with the disability. Third, this study has shown that the experiment group who participated the newspaper in education(NIE) program understanding disability was more effective in improving the subfields of prosocial behavior like 'leadership', 'offering help', 'communication', 'leading consideration', 'trying to approach', 'dividing', and 'empathy and control' than the ones in the control group.