초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Masan city had a base of the naval forces and the national warehouse of Goryeo Dynasty, and the city is close to the island of tsusima the headquarters of waegu. The aspect of invasion of waegu in the end of Goryeo Dynasty was identical with that of the area of Masan city. A fleet of vessels of 350 ships was landed in Masan city, which is the second large scale in the history of Goryeo Dystany. Activity of waegu in the area of Masan city was the standard or barometer of which was lasting for about 40years in the end of Goryeo Dynasty.

Masan city had a base of the naval forces and the national warehouse of Goryeo Dynasty, and the city is close to the island of tsusima the headquarters of waegu. The aspect of invasion of waegu in the end of Goryeo Dynasty was identical with that of the area of Masan city. A fleet of vessels of 350 ships was landed in Masan city, which is the second large scale in the history of Goryeo Dystany. Activity of waegu in the area of Masan city was the standard or barometer of which was lasting for about 40years in the end of Goryeo Dynasty.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Waegu(Japanese pirates), Masan city, Gyungin year(1350), Seiseishogunfu, Shoni