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1257년에 집권한 崔氏政權의 마지막 執政 崔竩는 부친 崔沆이 사망하자 그동안 崔氏家에 깊은 불만을 품어왔던 江都朝廷의 문․무신 집단을 완전히 장악하는 데 한계를 노출하였다. 또한 車羅大의 제5차 침입 이후 점차 불리해져 가는 對蒙戰爭을 극복할 수 있는 정치․군사적 역량이 부족했다. 최의는 최항정권의 和戰兩面論을 계승하여 ‘和’와 ‘戰’을 균형 있게 추진하려 했지만 최항정권 말엽 강도조정에 거세게 불어닥쳤던 對蒙和議論을 수용할 수밖에 없는 처지로 몰리고 있었다. 그 시점은 대략 고종 44년 9월경이었다. 최의가 대몽화의론을 수용한 것은 起居注 金守剛이 2차례의 表文外交를 통해 對高麗强硬論者였던 몽고 憲宗을 설득하여 몽고군을 철수시키는데 성공한 對蒙講和外交에 크게 고무되었기 때문이었다. 崔竩政權이 대몽화의론에 의지하여 대몽전쟁을 기피하는 가운데 최의는 附蒙輩 閔偁의 귀순을 받아주었으며 海島入保를 강도 높게 추진하였던 宋吉儒를 臟物罪를 물어 유배보냈다. 최의정권이 대몽화의론 쪽으로 급선회하고 抗蒙論者를 멀리하게 되자 金俊 등 崔氏家 家兵 지휘관들과 김준 편의 三別抄 무관들이 최의의 대몽정책에 대해 깊은 반감을 가지게 되었다. 한편 최의는 어디까지나 安慶公 王淐의 再入朝를 주장한 자신의 최측근 심복 宣仁烈․柳能 등 소극파 화의론자에 의지하여 대몽정책을 실행하였다. 그러므로 太子親朝를 주장하며 대몽전쟁을 영원히 종식시키자는 입장에 서 있던 崔滋․金寶鼎 등 적극파 화의론자들의 불만을 낳았다. 최의정권을 근근이 지탱시키고 있던 선인열과 유능이 건재하는 한 최의정권은 어떤 식으로든 유지될 것이 분명하였다. 최의정권의 임시적 대몽강화 체결은 최씨정권의 연장책일 뿐 대몽전쟁을 영원히 종식시킨다거나 몽고 황제의 고려에 대한 의심을 완전히 없앨 수 있는 궁극적 방안이 되지 못했다. 또한 대몽화의론을 어쩔 수 없이 수용한 최의는 대몽화의론자들을 대몽외교에 폭넓게 활용했지만 賢士로 표현된 그들을 예우하지도 존경하지도 않았다. 이런 상황 속에서 최의정권에서 소외된 대몽화의론자들은 최의의 관심에서 멀어져 있었던 柳璥과 결탁하였다. 유경과 대몽화의론자들은 최의정권을 붕괴시키기 위한 방안으로 국왕 高宗을 끌어들였고 王政復古(復政于王)의 명분을 대내외에 알렸다. 유경은 宋吉儒流配事件 이후 사전에 김준과 연결되어 있었다. 유경을 필두로 한 講和派는 김준 휘하의 최씨가 家兵, 朴希實․李延紹․林衍의 神義軍, 趙文柱․吳壽山․徐均漢․白永貞 등 夜別抄指諭, 朴成梓 휘하의 鷹揚軍과 결탁하여 反崔竩連帶勢力을 형성하였다. 최의정권에서 소외된 대다수 대몽화의론자와 항몽론자는 유경이라는 인물을 접점으로 하여 역설적으로 모순된 결합을 일정기간 유지하였으며 戊午政變을 일으켜 최의정권을 몰락시키는데 성공하였다. 최의정권을 붕괴시키는데 한 축을 담당한 문신 대몽화의론자들은 무오정변 직후 柳璥政權을 출범시켰다. 적어도 그 시점에 있어서 그들은 왕정복고, 실질적 대몽강화, 문신우위의 정치운영을 희구하면서 새로운 기대에 부풀게 되었다.

Choi Yui(崔竩), the last ruler of Choi’s political power(崔氏政權), could not maintain the line of the weakened policy against Mongol than Choi Hang(崔沆) period’s. So he completely handed over the rights on peace negotiations with Mongol to Jechu(宰樞). Choi Yui accepted claim on peace negotiations towards Mongol, starting from the 44th year September of the king Gojong(高宗). Those who insisted peace negotiations with Mongol divided into activists and passivists regarding the problem of Taejachinjo(太子親朝) and returning to the capital, but they all agreed in the fact peace negotiations with Mongol should be held. In Choi Yui’s rule, Civilians who insisted negotiation policy towards Mongol were Kim Soo Gang(金守剛) and Choi Ja(崔滋), etc. And military official Kim Bo Jung(金寶鼎) agreed to their opinion. Especially Kim Soo Gang dramatically succeeded in making Mongol army withdraw by performing the memorialization diplomacy(表文外交) towards Mongol emperor. Civilians claiming peace negotiations with Mongol grew as strong political power through peace negotiations diplomacy. Even military ruler, Choi Yui could not control them on his own authority. In 1257, Choi Yui could not carry out war against Mongol, and tried to maintain peace negotiations policy relying on some devoted servants of the passivists regarding the problem of Taejachinjo , Sun In Yeol(宣仁烈), Yu Neung(柳能). The activist regarding the problem of Taejachinjo, Choi Ja and Kim Bo Jung, etc. complained on Choi Yui’s diplomacy policy. On the other hand, Choi Yui’s change in the diplomacy policy towards Mongol, made military officers claiming battles against Mongol discontented. Peace negotiation faction(講和派) supported DaeSaSung(大司成) Yu Kyung(柳璥) who was estranged from Choi Yui. And they placed him at the head. Yu Kyung won commanders of House Troops(家兵), Divine Righteous Troops(神義軍), Night Patrols(夜別抄), and UngYang Troops(鷹揚軍) over to his side. He allied with those who insisted peace negotiations with Mongol, who were also discontented with Choi Yui political power’s narrow minded policy and failed economical policy, forming an anti-Choi Yui alliance force(反崔竩連帶勢力). The anti-Choi Yui alliance force eventually raised Muojungbyun(戊午政變) in the 45th year March of the king Gojong. And it destroyed the Choi family who dominated for 62 years, 4 generations. As the result, though formal, peace negotiation faction came true returning the political power to the king.

Choi Yui(崔竩), the last ruler of Choi’s political power(崔氏政權), could not maintain the line of the weakened policy against Mongol than Choi Hang(崔沆) period’s. So he completely handed over the rights on peace negotiations with Mongol to Jechu(宰樞). Choi Yui accepted claim on peace negotiations towards Mongol, starting from the 44th year September of the king Gojong(高宗). Those who insisted peace negotiations with Mongol divided into activists and passivists regarding the problem of Taejachinjo(太子親朝) and returning to the capital, but they all agreed in the fact peace negotiations with Mongol should be held. In Choi Yui’s rule, Civilians who insisted negotiation policy towards Mongol were Kim Soo Gang(金守剛) and Choi Ja(崔滋), etc. And military official Kim Bo Jung(金寶鼎) agreed to their opinion. Especially Kim Soo Gang dramatically succeeded in making Mongol army withdraw by performing the memorialization diplomacy(表文外交) towards Mongol emperor. Civilians claiming peace negotiations with Mongol grew as strong political power through peace negotiations diplomacy. Even military ruler, Choi Yui could not control them on his own authority. In 1257, Choi Yui could not carry out war against Mongol, and tried to maintain peace negotiations policy relying on some devoted servants of the passivists regarding the problem of Taejachinjo , Sun In Yeol(宣仁烈), Yu Neung(柳能). The activist regarding the problem of Taejachinjo, Choi Ja and Kim Bo Jung, etc. complained on Choi Yui’s diplomacy policy. On the other hand, Choi Yui’s change in the diplomacy policy towards Mongol, made military officers claiming battles against Mongol discontented. Peace negotiation faction(講和派) supported DaeSaSung(大司成) Yu Kyung(柳璥) who was estranged from Choi Yui. And they placed him at the head. Yu Kyung won commanders of House Troops(家兵), Divine Righteous Troops(神義軍), Night Patrols(夜別抄), and UngYang Troops(鷹揚軍) over to his side. He allied with those who insisted peace negotiations with Mongol, who were also discontented with Choi Yui political power’s narrow minded policy and failed economical policy, forming an anti-Choi Yui alliance force(反崔竩連帶勢力). The anti-Choi Yui alliance force eventually raised Muojungbyun(戊午政變) in the 45th year March of the king Gojong. And it destroyed the Choi family who dominated for 62 years, 4 generations. As the result, though formal, peace negotiation faction came true returning the political power to the king.