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이 연구는 고등학생들의 공식적 말하기에 대한 불안 정도를 알아보고, 화자, 청자, 장면, 메시지라는 화법 구성 요소들이 말하기 불안에 미치는 영향을 분석하여, 말하기 지도를 계획하고 실천하는 과정에서 말하기 불안 해소에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 본고는 고등학생들의 말하기 불안 정도를 다각적으로 분석하기 위해서 성별 및 학업성취도를 고려하여 고성취도 남학생 80명, 고성취도 여학생 80명, 저성취도 남학생 78명, 저성취도 여학생 80명을 대상으로 자기보고법에 의한 설문조사를 실시한 후, 사회과학 통계패키지인 SPSS 14.0으로 그 결과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 전체 학생 중 약 80% 정도의 학생이 말하기 불안을 경험하고 있었다. 전체 학생 중 약 56%는 높은 수준의 불안을 겪고 있었으며, 집단별 차이는 없었다. 말하기 상황을 구성하는 요소 중 화자의 심리나 성격, 상황의 공식성이 말하기 불안과 가장 높은 상관을 보였다. 하지만 이에 못지않게 화자의 말하기 기술, 청자의 나이, 청자의 인지적 수준, 전달하고자 하는 메시지 내용에 대한 이해 정도 등 음성 언어 의사소통을 구성하는 제반 요소들과도 높은 상관을 보여 주었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 언어적 의사소통을 다루는 국어 교육에서는 말하기 불안 해소를 위한 지도에 소극적인 바, 말하기를 구성하는 화자, 청자, 메시지, 장면 요소와 말하기 불안의 상관관계를 통해서 확인할 수 있었던 결과를 바탕으로 말하기 지도를 계획하고 실천하는 과정에서 말하기 불안 해소에 기여할 수 있는 방안을 몇 가지 제안하였다.

The purpose of this study is to theoretically consider speech anxiety, research speech anxiety of the status of high school student and correlation between oral communication component(speaker, listener, message, situation) and speech anxiety. For the purpose, this researcher made a questionnaire survey of 318 high school students, classified them into groups who were high and low in academic achievement/gender(male student-high level of academic achievement 80, female student-high level of academic achievement 80, male student-low level of academic achievement 78, female student-low level of academic achievement 80). Results of study show that approximately 80% of students were experiencing speech anxiety, approximately 56% of students are suffering from high degree of speech anxiety. And there was not meaningful difference in degree of speech anxiety by Groups. The study found a the highest correlation between psychology and character of speaker and speech anxiety, but also high correlation between oral communication component parts-communication skills of speaker, age of listener, intellectual standard of listener, understanding degree of the message and speech anxiety. Also this study proposed teaching methods of relieving anxiety. The methods are creating comfortable and permissive atmosphere, coaching concretely about communication skill, reinforcing listening education focus on listening courteously etc.

The purpose of this study is to theoretically consider speech anxiety, research speech anxiety of the status of high school student and correlation between oral communication component(speaker, listener, message, situation) and speech anxiety. For the purpose, this researcher made a questionnaire survey of 318 high school students, classified them into groups who were high and low in academic achievement/gender(male student-high level of academic achievement 80, female student-high level of academic achievement 80, male student-low level of academic achievement 78, female student-low level of academic achievement 80). Results of study show that approximately 80% of students were experiencing speech anxiety, approximately 56% of students are suffering from high degree of speech anxiety. And there was not meaningful difference in degree of speech anxiety by Groups. The study found a the highest correlation between psychology and character of speaker and speech anxiety, but also high correlation between oral communication component parts-communication skills of speaker, age of listener, intellectual standard of listener, understanding degree of the message and speech anxiety. Also this study proposed teaching methods of relieving anxiety. The methods are creating comfortable and permissive atmosphere, coaching concretely about communication skill, reinforcing listening education focus on listening courteously etc.