초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Objective: Using the CI database application software and SPSS to process cochlear implanted patients' data, in order to know what factors influence the cochlear implant effects. Methods: Design a cochlear implant questionnaire; get answers from young patients' parents through telephone calls. Input the patients' data to the database with our software, analyze the data using SPSS. Results: 120 cochlear implant recipients were investigated. Those patients are all between 9 and 20 years old. 106 parents answered the inquisition. Some beneficial statistical results like Communion ability and method, comprehension ability, and other factors that influence CI effect were elicited. Conclusion: Even for Pre-lingual deaf adolescent, cochlear implantation is still a good choice to acquire better communion ability and to improve the life quality. The statistical analysis results of our follow up investigation indicated that the earlier the speech training intervention, and adopting lip-reading, combining with scientific language training after CI operation, the better CI effect could be acquired. And also the speech communion ability could be improved quickly. Besides, the CI database application software provided great advantages to this study. (Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 13-2, 153-158, 2007)
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Cochlear Implant, Database, Deafness