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이 연구는 학대피해아동에 대한 개입과정에서 발견되는 아동권리침해에 주목하고 유엔아동권리협약의 원칙에 근거하여 아동권리옹호의 필요성을 제기했다. 연구내용은 첫째, 한국 학대피해아동 보호서비스에서 관찰되는 아동권리침해의 쟁점 분석, 둘째, 아동권리옹호의 개념과 유형 정리, 셋째, 유럽·미국·캐나다에서의 아동권리옹호제도 분석, 넷째, 한국에서의 아동권리옹호제도의 정착방안 모색으로 이루어졌다. 아동권리옹호란 힘을 가진 개인들과 사회구조에 맞서 힘이 없거나 부족한 아동을 대변하는 활동인데 특히 학대피해아동은 자신의 생존권·보호권·발달권·참여권이 부모권(친권)과 대립될 경우 현행 법체계가 아동의 권리를 제대로 보호받지 못하고 있음이 지적되었다. 유럽의 아동옴부즈맨제도, 미국의 CAC와 캐나다의 아동권리옹호사무소의 활동을 분석했으며 한국의 아동권리옹호를 위해 연계 가능한 기존 조직을 살펴보고 제도의 정착을 위한 방안을 모색했다.

Recent reviews on child protective service outcomes are under attack in regard to failing to protect child victims' right. Lack of awareness on children's right and lack of proper child advocacy systems which could have prevented the unfortunate violations of child victims' right made child victims and families to endure several unnecessary painful experiences. This study examined the present state of child advocacy in Korea especially in child protective services, and discussed establishing Child Advocacy in Korea to protect and promote children's right. First, the issues of children's right violation layed in the current child protective system were listed; second, concepts and types of child advocacy were analyzed; third, child advocacy in Europe countries such as Children's Commissioner and Ombudsmen, CAC of north america were observed; and finally, alternatives of child advocacy in Korea were discussed. The basic principles of UNCRC could serve as the main principles for the Child Advocacy, and coordination of several public and private human service agencies such as National committee for human right, Child protective agencies of multiple levels, Children's right monitoring centers and other child welfare agencies were proposed.

Recent reviews on child protective service outcomes are under attack in regard to failing to protect child victims' right. Lack of awareness on children's right and lack of proper child advocacy systems which could have prevented the unfortunate violations of child victims' right made child victims and families to endure several unnecessary painful experiences. This study examined the present state of child advocacy in Korea especially in child protective services, and discussed establishing Child Advocacy in Korea to protect and promote children's right. First, the issues of children's right violation layed in the current child protective system were listed; second, concepts and types of child advocacy were analyzed; third, child advocacy in Europe countries such as Children's Commissioner and Ombudsmen, CAC of north america were observed; and finally, alternatives of child advocacy in Korea were discussed. The basic principles of UNCRC could serve as the main principles for the Child Advocacy, and coordination of several public and private human service agencies such as National committee for human right, Child protective agencies of multiple levels, Children's right monitoring centers and other child welfare agencies were proposed.