초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Daegu is the spiritual base of the Yeongnam School and the cradle of Yeongnam Government Office's publications. In spite of its reputation, Daegu's current publishing culture is shrinking gradually. So we have to shed light on the role that Daegu has played in producing significant print media across generations. Specifically, Daegu, which performed significant role of publication in Joseon Dynasty, succeeded tradition of publication during Japanese Ruling Era through ‘Jaejeondang Seopo( 在田堂書鋪)’, ‘Kwangmunsa(廣文社)', etc. Various publishing media from these publishers created an elated atmosphere, dissemination of modern knowledges and enlightenment of the public. Publications in such climates included various literary coterie magazines, magazines, school magazines that served as an important mediator to create Koreas's modern literature. During the period of the Liberation from Japan and the Korean War,Daegu succeeded splendid tradition of publication once more through newspapers, magazines, various textbooks, the literary works, etc. In the field of Daegu literature during period of the Liberation,‘Juksoonsiingurakbu(竹筍詩人俱樂部)’ and ‘Joseonadonghoe(朝鮮兒童會)’made Daegu a significant locus of children's literature. During the period of Liberation, Daegu contributed to formation of Korean children's literature by creating children's literary media, such as ‘Adong(兒童:children)’ and ‘Saessak(새싹:sprout)’. In spite of political chaos, these media made an effort to invigorate space of local children's literature and to enlighten children. Especially remarkable collections of poems and textbooks were published in comparison with other areas of publications(e. g., novels and essays). Continuous endeavor should be given in order to examine real existence of undiscovered Daegu region's publishing media and to put finishing touches on them. In addition, it is important to not only discover and arrange various publishing media but also deeply analyze both literary works contained in various publishing media and cultural meanings of these media.