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일제의 의해 강점된 식민지 경성은 침략의 정당화를 위하여 위압적인 건축물, 정비된 도로, 백화점 등을 식민지 근대화의 상징으로 선전하였다. 그러한 상징물들에 가려 일반 민중들의 모습은 가려졌다. 최근에 일기 시작한 식민지 삶의 다양한 모습을 미시적으로 연구하는 연구방법은 그렇기 때문에 의미가 있는 것이다. 본고는 근대의 일상을 재구하는 연구를 유의미하게 하기 위해 모던 걸ㆍ모던보이를 세대론적 관점으로 파악하고 컬쩌(kertzer)가 사회학에서 사용했던 코호트(cohort)로서 세대개념을 차용한 칼 만하임(karl Mannheim)의 연구와 국내의 의미 있는 연구 성과를 기반으로 모던 걸ㆍ모던보이를 모던세대로 파악하고 모던세대의 의미, 개념, 형성과정을 살펴보았다. 그리고 모던세대가 사회화하는 과정을 대중 미디어를 통해 확인하였으며, 대중미디어가 모던세대를 어떻게 묘사하는가를 검토를 하였다. 이러한 작업을 기반으로 근대 대중문예는 모던세대를 어떠한 방식으로 바라보았으며 당대의 지식인들은 새로운 세대에 대한 어떠한 인식을 갖고 있었는가는 본고가 가지고 있는 중요한 목적 중에 하나이다. 따라서 궁극적으로는 대중문예 속에 그려진 모던세대을 파악하는 것은 의미있는 작업이 될 것이다.

As for the modern generation when seeing with viewpoint of generation theory, Existed in the time when trouble of the generation appears in earnest. this time when life style of front modern times eddies change previous life generation, but because it was the time when the capitalism paradigm which can be distinguished securely opposes with the modern paradigm. it was the gin pass which is core of the commercial sphere of the day person where colony contradiction coexists to unhappiness and as for the place where entelecky of the modern generation is bright to unhappiness at the place. even when being passive, being, the active modern generation the generation who first realizes capitalism consumption culture you can call, As for the modern generation when seeing with viewpoint of generation theory, Existed in the time when trouble of the generation appears in earnest. this time when life style of front modern times eddies change previous life generation, but because it was the time when the capitalism paradigm which can be distinguished securely opposes with the modern paradigm. it was the gin pass which is core of the commercial sphere of the day person where colony contradiction coexists to unhappiness and as for the place where entelecky of the modern generation is bright to unhappiness at the place. even when being passive, being, the active modern generation the generation who first realizes capitalism consumption culture you can call. Even when that being negative, being affirmative, society inside became the structure which moves in the frame of capitalism. As for Korea the person whom it had and class contradiction of the person who cannot have existence is intimate externally in the time when colony and contradiction and the contradiction among these which receive colony control meet to capitalism as for the modern generation, it existed. therefore so, because perhaps their forms where the popular media portrays excessively it was not favorable. the modern generation could not create above the what kind of for the next generation. but, the modern generation cultural in our histories it being the generation and the modern times when first it appears sociologically are grasped, is one in important concept.