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유산 정학연이 가을경물을 제재로 쓴 연작시의 형성 요인을 규명하기위하여 이 글은 먼저 그의 생애와 작가의식을 살펴보았다. 정학연은 유배형을 당한 아버지를 구원하기 위하여 서울의 유력인물과적극적으로 교유하였으며, 사교를 위한 시의 수창에서 뛰어난 실력을 발휘하여 시인으로 명성을 얻었다. 이 과정에서 정학연이 공들인 인간관계는 오히려 그의 불우함을 더욱 가중시켰고, 학자로 대성하길 기대했던 아버지와의 갈등 또한 그를 더욱 번민하게 만들었다. 60세의 노년이 되어자신의 고통스러운 과거를 회상하며 느끼는 비애가 이 연작시의 기본적 정조가 되고 있다. 정학연은 가을을 슬퍼하는 시인이라는 의미를 지닌 ‘추사(秋士)’라는작품에서 현실세계와의 부조화에서 오는 내면적 갈등과 좌절한 지식인의퇴락한 모습을 진솔하게 형상화하였다. 이 작품은 일종의 자화상이라 할수 있는데, 시인으로서의 자의식과 더불어 비애의 시세계를 구축한 작가의식이 투영되어 있다. 18세기 중반 이후 서울 문인사회 일각에서는 가을을 제재로 다룬 시의수창이 유행하고, ‘추사’라는 자의식이 나타나기 시작하였다. 정치에서 소외된 지식인이 문인사회의 주류를 이루면서 자신의 정체성과 심미적 태도를 보다 분명하게 표명하였으며, 정학연이 가을경물을 제재로 쓴 연작시는 그 절정을 보여준 것이라 할 수 있다.

This paper has examined the life and the consciousness of Jeong Hak-yeonas a writer with a view to figure out the process of his creation of a longpoem sequence with the scenery of fall as the main material. Jeong Hak-yeon actively kept company with the influential figures inHanyang (present Seoul) in order to help save his father Jeong Yak-yongliving in exile and, at the same time, accumulated his fame as a poet byshowing his skills of poem recitations in social get-togethers. After the deathof King Jeongjo and the following factional feuds between Sipa (時派) . on the side of the deceased monarch and Jeong Yak-yong . and theopposition Beokpa (벽派) lasting for a long period, the issue of rescuingJeong Yak-yong and promoting his comeback to politics long fettered the lifeof Jeong Hak-yeon during and after his father갽s 18 years of exile. Humanrelations he had elaborately established in the midst of power politics andsmoldering factional strife only aggravated his ill fate. What is worse, hisconflict with his own father who had long wished him to be a great scholarmade him experience further agony. At the old age of 60, he recollected his painful past and sang his heart-rending sorrows, which became the mainthemes of the poetry. Jeong Hak-yeon expressed his own self-consciousness in his own worktitled “Chusa (秋士),” literally meaning “a poet who feels pathetic for fall,”thus showing the true emotion of a poet by expressing his inner conflictsresulting from the disharmony with the real world and by frankly portrayinghis image as a frustrated intellect. Jeong expressed his consciousness as awriter with which had created his world of poem dotted with sorrowsthrough the portrayal of the autumn scenery. After the mid-18th century, recitations of poems with the theme of fallbecame popular among the literary circles of Hanyang and there emerged theself-consciousness of “Chusa.” As the intellectuals who had been marginalizedfrom the politics took a lion’s share of the literary community, theyexpressed their own identity and aesthetic attitude more frankly. And the longpoem sequence by Jeong Hak-yeon is at the height of the style.