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中文提要:《明儒学案》是深具中国特质的学案体断代哲学史,在“中国哲 学史学”的历史上有着重要的里程碑意义。其中“道非一家之私”、“圣贤血脉 散诸百家”、“殊途百虑”等精彩的哲学史观,已经吐露出了近代学术平等与学 术民主的思想霞光。整部著作以儒学为大本,以心学为主线,清晰地勾勒了有明 一代儒家哲学发展的脉络,体现了“功夫著到”与“竭其心之万殊”的知性认识 与理性阐发的过程。对此的揭示,不仅有着哲学史学的意义,更可由此上探黄宗 羲的学统重建的努力及其具有经世品格的政治伦理思考。

Ming-ru Xue-an is the philosophical history for the Ming Dynasty, which embodies Chinese nature and has great contribution to the history of Chinese history’s study. In this book, “Tao is not owned by one school or somebody”, “Sage’s spirit is scattered into schools”, “thinking through many ways” etc. such splendid viewpoints bring forth academic equality and democracy of modern times. By the famous work, HUANG Zong-xi created the Ming-philosophical-history development process, which poached in a way that Confucius is the main-stone, ideology is the main-steam. Such framework shows scholars reason spirit in their efforts, so-called “to take on”, “to disclose the different aspects of minds”. All these purchase, not only means much to the philosophical history study, but shows us another way to analyze HUANG Zong-xi’s political-ethical thoughts about reconstruction of the Scholar-orthodoxy etc.

Ming-ru Xue-an is the philosophical history for the Ming Dynasty, which embodies Chinese nature and has great contribution to the history of Chinese history’s study. In this book, “Tao is not owned by one school or somebody”, “Sage’s spirit is scattered into schools”, “thinking through many ways” etc. such splendid viewpoints bring forth academic equality and democracy of modern times. By the famous work, HUANG Zong-xi created the Ming-philosophical-history development process, which poached in a way that Confucius is the main-stone, ideology is the main-steam. Such framework shows scholars reason spirit in their efforts, so-called “to take on”, “to disclose the different aspects of minds”. All these purchase, not only means much to the philosophical history study, but shows us another way to analyze HUANG Zong-xi’s political-ethical thoughts about reconstruction of the Scholar-orthodoxy etc.