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Zhongdao中道 (middle path) refers the middle lines in the hexagrams in the Yijing易經, the second or fifth positions. Zhongdao includes the notions of zhongzheng中正 (special middle point) and shizhong時中 (temporal middle point). Most zhongdao lines in the hexagrams indicate good fortune with only a few zhongdao lines having been interpreted as presaging bad fortune. This kind of essentially positive approach to human life can be understood as a basis of moral philosophy in the Chinese tradition. The Yijing also has a tendency to relate cosmology and morality in order to make connections between virtual behavior and good fortune. That is, the Yijing holds that moral self-cultivation can be justified by good fortune and psychological rewards. In this regards, the moral metaphysics of the Yijing asserts the unity between virtue and fortune, a conjunction which has had a huge influence on Confucian scholars throughout Chinese history.