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Ideas about education and culture form the core of pre-Qin Confucian political theory, as the Confucian thinkers of the era both constructed a system of educational theory and implemented their ideas via the Imperial College, the Xiang school, and elsewhere in a quest to produce enlightenment. From the perspective of human nature and human relations, “Cheng zhi wen zhi” discusses educational ideals and methods, and this essay seeks to enhance our understanding of its views on the subject of education and culture. Not only does the “Cheng zhi when zhi” adhere to pre-Qin Confucian educational thinking, it also bears many of characteristics of Guodian bamboo slips disposition theory. This article reflects upon some problems in pre-Qin Confucian thought regarding education and culture in “Cheng zhi wen zhi” in order to find the origin of Confucian thinking on the subject.