초록 열기/닫기 버튼

We look at 50 years of textbook and course materials in German as a foreign language. In the beginning it was kind of an offer for privileged students. There was strong orientation in teaching on the Latin grammar with exercises at the sentence level. In the sixties we observe a shift towards dialogues. Dialogues were learned by heart and were trained by stimulus-response- training in the speech lab. Grammar was transferred by inductive means. In the seventies we notice the awareness of the situational circumstances and situational make up. The communicative aspect was recognized and the speech act was promoted in teaching. As a sign of a more liberal approach we find the informal or familiar ‘du’ instead of ‘Sie’ within the exercises. The eighties are the beginning of intercultural textbook and course materials with the intention to overcome the ethnocentric view. Regional textbooks and course materials for specific proposes were developed. The nineties found an compromise between written and spoken language teaching and found a balance between the different abilities for language learning. Learning strategies were a topic in language teaching. Now the textbook and course materials are under the strong influence of CEFR. Speech policy of the EU wants to strengthen plurilingualism. The autonomy of the learner is the basis with an emphasis of learning as self organized, controlled by self evaluation and work in portfolio. Multimedia is very popular in language learning. At the end we have a look, what might be expected in the next future. For example, we try to acknowledge for our studies more specific Korean aspects for Korean learners.