초록 열기/닫기 버튼

최한기(1803∼1877)는 학문 연구라는 것은 마땅히 기철학이 맨 위에서 통괄하는 가운데서 진리를 탐구하고 실용을 추구해가야 한다고 하였다. 덧붙여 기철학의 하부에 위치하는 제 영역의 개개의 내용에 대해서도, 당시 최첨단의 지식을 이용하고 기의 개념을 사용해서 최신의 지식을 설명하려고 하였다. 대대적으로 서양 전래의 과학 지식을 도입하면서, 그것을 기학으로서 논한 것이 그것이다. 그러나 기학으로서 제 학문을 평가하고 위치를 부여하려고 한 학문 자세는 기학의 집필(1857)로부터 그다지 올라가지 않은 시기에 성립된 것으로, 실용에 직결된 초기의 과학 연구와는 성격이 크게 다른 것이었다. 또 그 기학 체계내의 과학 이론은 (1) 동양과학과 서양 과학의 혼합으로 구성되어, (2) 기초 이론이나 원리적인 기술이 생략되는 경우도 많고, (3) 이론 상호간에 서로 모순 되는 곳도 몇 군데에서 발견된다. 그러므로 순수한 과학 이론으로 본다면, 불완전하다고 하는 비판을 피할 수 없을 것이다.

Choi Han-gi(1803~1877) thought that learning should be a work to seek after the truth and to pursuit practical use within generalization of science of gi. And besides, as for each field under philosophy of gi, he tried to explain the newest knowledge by using ultra-modern knowledge and a concept of gi. He obtained traditional scientific knowledge of the West on a large scale and explained it through philosophy of gi. But his attitude for learning, which was a try to estimate and locate many fields of knowledge, was formed at the time not so far from his writing of Gihak(1857). It is very different from his early study of science connected directly with practical use. In addition, scientific theory in the system of his science of gi is a compound of Oriental science and Western science; there are frequent occasions when basic theory or theoretical description is omitted in it; we can find out a mutual contradiction in his theories. Therefore, from a pure scientific point of view, his Gihak seems to be blamed for its imperfection.

Choi Han-gi(1803~1877) thought that learning should be a work to seek after the truth and to pursuit practical use within generalization of science of gi. And besides, as for each field under philosophy of gi, he tried to explain the newest knowledge by using ultra-modern knowledge and a concept of gi. He obtained traditional scientific knowledge of the West on a large scale and explained it through philosophy of gi. But his attitude for learning, which was a try to estimate and locate many fields of knowledge, was formed at the time not so far from his writing of Gihak(1857). It is very different from his early study of science connected directly with practical use. In addition, scientific theory in the system of his science of gi is a compound of Oriental science and Western science; there are frequent occasions when basic theory or theoretical description is omitted in it; we can find out a mutual contradiction in his theories. Therefore, from a pure scientific point of view, his Gihak seems to be blamed for its imperfection.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

崔漢綺, 西洋科學, 東洋科學, Choi Han-gi, science of gi(gihak, 氣學), Western science, Oriental science, Dongsan(東算)