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여운형은 해방이 되자 건국동맹을 모체로 하여 건국준비위원회를 조직해 자주적으로 해방을 맞이하고 건국사업을 펼쳐나갔다. 미군상륙에 임박해 우익이 중경에 있는 임시정부추대를 주장하자 여운형은 재건파공산당의 박헌영 제안에 동의해 9월 6일 급작스럽게 조선인민공화국을 조직했다. 이 논문에서는 여운형과 인공관계를 주로 양자의 갈등에 초점을 맞추어 고찰했다. 여운형은 좌우합작에 의해서만 통일자주국가를 건설할 수 있다고 확신했는데, 인공의 경직성은 좌우합작을 어렵게 했다. 여운형은 11월 인민당을 결성해 조선공산당인공과 거리를 두고, 좌익의 인공 지지와 우익의 중경임정추대간의 대립을 해소시키려고 노력했다. 12월 말부터 김구 등 우익중심으로 반탁투쟁이 거세지고 조공이 모스크바삼상회의결정을 지지함으로써 좌익과 우익은 한층 더 첨예하게 대립했다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 상황에서 여운형이 신탁통치에 어떠한 태도를 보였는가를 분석했다.

At the Liberation from the Japanese Imperialism, Yo Un-Hyong tried to erect the nation-state by organizing the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence on the basis of the Korean Independence League. As the Right insisted on having the Korean Provisional Government in Chungking as head of the new nation on the occasion of the United States Armed Forces landing, Yo suddenly set up the Korean People's Republic on the 6th, September 1945 on the proposal of Pak Hon-Yong, a leader of the Reconstructed faction of Korean Communist Party. This treatise focuses on the conflicts of Yo and the Korean Communist Party for explaining the relationship of Yo and the Korean People's Republic. The stubbornness of the Korean People's Republic got in the way of the coalition of the Right and the Left which, Yo was fully convinced, would lead to the construction of the unified and independent nation. He newly made the People's Party. which stood aloof from both the Korean Communist Party and the Korean People's Republic. He also made efforts to alleviate the antagonism between the left who was in favour of the Korean People's Republic and the right who gave its support to the Korean Provisional Government as head of the new nation. The confrontation between the right and the left grew intense from December 1945 as the right, which put Kim Ku at the center, developed harshly the anti-trusteeship movement and the Korean Communist Party gave its support to the accords of the Moscow Foreign Ministers' Conference, December 1945. The essay analysed the attitude of Yo toward the trusteeship at the circumstances.

At the Liberation from the Japanese Imperialism, Yo Un-Hyong tried to erect the nation-state by organizing the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence on the basis of the Korean Independence League. As the Right insisted on having the Korean Provisional Government in Chungking as head of the new nation on the occasion of the United States Armed Forces landing, Yo suddenly set up the Korean People's Republic on the 6th, September 1945 on the proposal of Pak Hon-Yong, a leader of the Reconstructed faction of Korean Communist Party. This treatise focuses on the conflicts of Yo and the Korean Communist Party for explaining the relationship of Yo and the Korean People's Republic. The stubbornness of the Korean People's Republic got in the way of the coalition of the Right and the Left which, Yo was fully convinced, would lead to the construction of the unified and independent nation. He newly made the People's Party. which stood aloof from both the Korean Communist Party and the Korean People's Republic. He also made efforts to alleviate the antagonism between the left who was in favour of the Korean People's Republic and the right who gave its support to the Korean Provisional Government as head of the new nation. The confrontation between the right and the left grew intense from December 1945 as the right, which put Kim Ku at the center, developed harshly the anti-trusteeship movement and the Korean Communist Party gave its support to the accords of the Moscow Foreign Ministers' Conference, December 1945. The essay analysed the attitude of Yo toward the trusteeship at the circumstances.