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본고는 고운의 잡영 <월전>의 음영 대상이 되었던 신라의 향악 <월전>의 기본 성격과 특성을 밝혔다. (1) 고운의 이른바 “月顚”은 굴레에 붙이는 額鏡으로서 신라의 향악 <월전>에 쓰였던 舞具를 가리키는 말이다. (2) 남북조 시대 중국의 주유희와 신라의 향악 <월전>은 모두 난쟁이와 꼽추가 나와서 배우의 自矜을 노래하고 춤추는 雜戱로서 꼽추 지리소에 관한 장자의 우언을 인용하여 극중 사건을 대신하고 배경 사상을 구성하는 연행 방식을 띠었다. (3) 신라의 향악 <월전>에 출연하는 배우는 宴席에 酒令 유희를 베푸는 席糾ㆍ酒糾의 역할을 아울러 담당했다. (4) 고운의 이른바 “旗幟”는 곧 주령 유희에 쓰이는 酒令旗ㆍ酒令纛을 가리키는 말이다. 주제어향악잡영, 월전, 잡희, 주유희, 주규, 주령
In this article, we inquired the fundamental character and distinctive quality of Woljeon(月顚), a miscellaneous opera in Shilla(新羅) Dynasty, which was the immediate object of Woljeon(月顚), the second poem of Hyangak Jabyeong(鄕樂雜詠), written by Goun(孤雲) Choe Chiwon(崔致遠). (1) In Hyangak Jabyeong, what was called ‘月顚’[Woljeon] is the term pointing out the implement for the performance of Woljeon, a kind of round shape ornament attached on a bridle. (2) Woljeon, as a miscellaneous opera performed by hunchbacks and dwarfs, bears a close resemblance to Juyuhui(侏儒戱) singing and dancing about the pride of all hunchbacks and dwarfs in early China, especially in the Period of North and South Dynasties. In this miscellaneous opera, what the dramatic events and thoughts from behind were powered by the fable telling about a hunchback named Jiriso(支離疏) in Jangja(莊子), the Chinese classic of Taoist. (3) The players who performed Woljeon also supervised drinking promise as a character of Seokgyu(席糾)ㆍJugyu(酒糾) giving entertainments to banquet. (4) In Hyangak Jabyeong, what was called ‘旗幟’[Gichi] is the term pointing out Juryeonggi(酒令旗)ㆍJuryeongdog(酒令纛) which were the essential instrume nts for the performance of drinking promise.
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Hyangak Jabyeong(鄕樂雜詠, Miscellaneous Poems on L ocal Opera in Shilla Dynasty), Woljeon(月顚, The Theme of Hunchbacks and Dwarfs from Hyangak Jabyeong), Ja phui(雜戱, Miscellaneous Opera), Juyuhui(侏儒戱, Miscell aneous Opera Performed by Hunchbacks and Dwarfs), J ugyu(酒糾, Drinking Inspector), Juryeong(酒令, Drinking P romise)