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본 연구는 1940년대 중국에서 자유주의가 본격적인 정치담론으로 등장하는 과정을 중국 근대 사상사라는 장기적인 시점에서 조망함으로써 그 특색을 포괄적으로 이해하려는 시도이다. 중국에서 자유주의는, 청말 개념 형태로 수용된 이래, 단편적 지식, 담론 형태를 거쳐 독자적인 사상으로 발전하는 과정을 밟았다. 1930년대, 자유주의는 자유주의 지식인과 결합하여, 삼민주의 사회주의와 구별되는 독자적 사상으로 인정받았다. 그러나 ‘중국 자유주의’가 하나의 정치 이념으로써 본격적으로 논의된 것은 1940년대였다. ‘중국 자유주의’는 1940년대 들어서서 하나의 정치 이념으로써 본격적으로 논의되었다. 이는 당시 독특한 정치 환경에서 지식인들이 대안적 사회질서의 수립 가능성 모색을 배경으로 한 것이었다. 당시 중국 자유주의는 내용적으로 사회주의적 요소를 포괄하면서, 사회주의와 구별되는 이데올로기로서 작용하는 등 특색을 갖추게 되었다. 이로써 중국 사상사라는 장기적 구조 속에서 중국의 자유주의를 조망하는 것이 가능해지게 된 것이다.

This study is purposed to have inclusive understanding of Chinese Liberalism which has appeared as full-scale political discourse in China since 1940s through viewing it in the long term of view in history of Chinese Modern ideas. Liberalism in China has progressed toward original ideas from fragmentary knowledge and discourse passing by long history since the last period of Ching Dynasty. In the 1930s, Liberalism was respected as exclusive ideas distinguished Sunwenism(삼민주의) and Socialism through combining Liberalism intellectuals. By that time, Liberalism was discussed as a piece of thoughts which could not yet build the edifice of knowledge and the resource of knowledge was also just "Western" or "Liberalism in history of Western ideas" however. Then in the 1940s, 'Chinese Liberalism' was debated as a political ideas seriously. In those time, this was based on seeking a possibility of establishing alternative social system by intellectuals from peculiar political environment. Therefore Chinese Liberalism could have its own characteristics whose content including factor of socialism and it operated as an ideology distinguished socialism. Subsequently, it could be realized viewing Chinese Libersalism in long structure of Chinese Ideas History.

This study is purposed to have inclusive understanding of Chinese Liberalism which has appeared as full-scale political discourse in China since 1940s through viewing it in the long term of view in history of Chinese Modern ideas. Liberalism in China has progressed toward original ideas from fragmentary knowledge and discourse passing by long history since the last period of Ching Dynasty. In the 1930s, Liberalism was respected as exclusive ideas distinguished Sunwenism(삼민주의) and Socialism through combining Liberalism intellectuals. By that time, Liberalism was discussed as a piece of thoughts which could not yet build the edifice of knowledge and the resource of knowledge was also just "Western" or "Liberalism in history of Western ideas" however. Then in the 1940s, 'Chinese Liberalism' was debated as a political ideas seriously. In those time, this was based on seeking a possibility of establishing alternative social system by intellectuals from peculiar political environment. Therefore Chinese Liberalism could have its own characteristics whose content including factor of socialism and it operated as an ideology distinguished socialism. Subsequently, it could be realized viewing Chinese Libersalism in long structure of Chinese Ideas History.