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조선후기 실학을 대표하는 학파로서 星湖學派의 학풍을 구명할 때 반드시 살펴보아야 할 부문이 鄕政論이다. 향촌사회는 토지소유를 매개로 양반지주와 양인전호의 생산관계가 형성되고, 차등적 신분체계 위에서 재지사족의 지배가 실현되어가는 공간이었다. 이에 집권체제 안정을 목표로 다양한 향촌사회 안정방안이 양반지식인들에 의해 적극 모색되었다. 특히 18세기에 이르게 되면 실학자들이 기존의 사회운영 방식에 대한 반성과 함께 새로운 생산관계에 조응하려는 개선방안을 내놓고 있었다. 그 대표적인 성과물이 바로 안정복(1712~1791)의 「임관정요」이며, 각 편목 중에서도 「시조」편에는 당대 향촌사회 實情과 개선방략이 잘 정리되어 있었다. 즉 시의성을 고려하는 가운데 다양한 문헌자료를 통해 검증된 향촌사회 통치원론과 방략들이 담겨져 있었다. 따라서 이에 대한 분석은 실학의 역사상을 다시 한번 재고해 보는 작업이 될 것이며, 또한 李瀷(1681~1763)으로부터 안정복을 거쳐 丁若鏞(1762~1836)에게로 이어지는 향촌사회 운영에 대한 관심과 牧民書 저술의 전통, 그 속에 담겨 있는 ‘經世致用’ 학풍의 면모를 계통적으로 이해하는 기회가 될 것이다.

The local official's administrative operation in the 18th century is the important indicators that reflect the social aspect of the late Joseon Dynasty. It was the restoration time, the period of king Youngjo․Jungjo that was changing rapidly in politics, economy, socity, and culture. The social atmosphere was reflected in the local politics not just as well as the central politics. Ahn Jeong-bok interested in the majority of his attention on the governance of hyangchon communities. Ahn wrote the local official's administrative Works, Imguanjungyoeu(臨官政要). This book's the main point was a need to assure that the concepts of self-regulation and control of the nation. Imguanjungyoeu was parted three fields which were Joungoe(政語)․Jougjek(政蹟)․Sijou(時措). Especially Sijou was organized twenty-one minor matter of etiquette(爲政․持身․處事․風俗․臨民․任人․接物․御吏․用財․農桑․戶口․敎化․軍政․賦役․田政․糶糴․賑恤․刑法․詞訟․去奸․治盜). This chapter was related with Seong Ho School's academic methodology and ideology related with strategy of State Reconstruction. Academic trends of Kyoungsechiyoung was came out of critical attitude toward ideologies which neglected the aspect of practice. Imguanjungyoeu was realized the academic trends of Kyungsechiyoung which book was used to the local official's administrative in the front of hyangchon communities. It's aimed to efficiently general controls over the hyangchon communities as well as over the yangban sajok class. And it was established as a means of the people's self-regulation in the hyangchon communities. Consequently Ahn was a Sirhak scholar who strived to fix the national governance system in 18th's century.