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성리학이 조선의 유효한 이념으로 작용했지만, 불교는 여전히 국가와 사회문제 그리고 윤리해결에 도움이 된다는 인식을 유지했다. 비록 제도상으로는 불교가 통치구조의 전면으로 나서진 못했지만, 유학자들 역시 개인적으로는 호의적인 입장을 유지했다. 集玉齋는 경복궁의 부속 건물임에도 불구하고 正殿에만 설치되는 月臺와 瑞獸 등이 갖추어져 일찍부터 주목받아왔다. 宮室과 같이 엄격한 의례에 따라 건축된 조선시대 건축물은 유교의 철학원리를 구현하는 동시에 중국 都城의 건축계획을 기반으로 축조된 것으로 알려져 왔다. 그러나 의례건축은 고대로부터 불교, 도교 등 제반 사상의 영향을 받아왔고, 특히 본 연구의 고찰대상인 瑞獸가 부가된 石造階段은 불교사원의 계단과 獅子像의 영향을 기반으로 완성되었음을 확인하였다. 또한 경복궁 중건과 함께 제작된 獬豸 역시 護法의 상징물인 사자로부터 기원했다. 불교건축이 조선시대 궁실건축에까지 영향을 준 것은 임란 이후 불교계에 대한 국가 차원의 지원과 함께 불교계가 국가 營繕事業에 적극적으로 동원됐기 때문이다. 이러한 과정을 통해 왕실건축, 관아건축 등에 사용된 계단의 조형과 구조는 사찰건축을 통해 익숙했던 요소를 차용한 결과다.

Neo-Confucianism was the thought which is effective in Chosun Dynasty. However, buddhism maintained the awareness that it is still of service to the country, the social problem and solution of the ethics. Even if, buddhism was unable to leave with the front side of the governance structure in regulation. However, also Confucian scholars maintained the amicable position with the personal. Jibokjae is the building belonging to Kyongbok Palace. However, the Woldae and Sa-Soo, and etc. installed in Jungjeon(Main Hall) was installed and it was early subject of concern. The Chosun Dynasty building’s made according to the strictness established form described below like the royal palace implements the philosophy principles of the Confucianism. And it was made based on Chinese capital city construction plan. However, the architecture made according to the courtesy came of many ideas including the Buddhism, Taoism, and etc. from long time ago. Particularly, the stairs which subject of this study makes the rock in which Sa-Soo(animal of auspicious) is added was made the stonework stairs of the inspection request and Lion Sculpture. And it prayed from the Lion Sculpture which the Haechi which made the Kyongbok Palace newly and is made protects Buddhism. It was due to have the backing up of the country to the Buddhist sector after the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 that Buddhist architecture has an effect on the Chosun Dynasy royal palace architecture. And the Buddhist sector was due to be actively mobilized for the building activity of nation. Through this process, the form of the stairs made in construction of royal palace, government construction, and etc. and structure can know to be affected by the inspection request.