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현대 정보화 사회에서 인터넷 매체를 통해 성장하고 있는 영역은 게임, 영화, 금융, 쇼핑몰 등 다양하지만 가장 급변하고 있는 분야로 광고계를 꼽을 수 있는데, 현재 광고효과를 극대화하기 위한 각종의 새로운 인터넷 광고 기술이 다양해지면서 그에 따른 부정적인 측면의 문제들이 제기되고 있는 것이 사실이다. 이것은 인터넷 광고가 인터넷 매체만의 고유한 특성과 함께 광고의 속성이 결합되어 다양한 문제점들이 드러나고 있다고 생각한다. 구체적으로 보면, 광고란 기업이나 개인·단체가 상품·서비스 등을 세상에 알려 계획한 목적을 거두기 위해 투자하는 정보활동으로 개념정의가 되는데, 여기에서 특허나 상표, 저작권 등의 지적재산권 분쟁을 비롯해 부정경쟁행위나 기타 소비자 보호관련 문제 및 개인정보의 보호 등에서 많은 문제점들을 노출하고 있는 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하고 소비자의 권리를 보장함으로써 궁극적으로는 헌법상 경제 민주화를 위한 규제방법으로서 광고자유와 광고규제가 조화를 이루고 업계와 정부의 서로 상호협력에 바탕을 둔 공동규제방안을 이끌어 내는 데에 중점을 둔다. 특히 인터넷광고 중 상업적인 부분에 한정하고 우리 헌법상 소비자기본권과 인터넷 광고를 할 자유에 대한 전반적인 검토, 소비자기본권을 침해하는 인터넷광고의 문제점 분석, 그리고 본 연구의 핵심적인 사항으로서 소비자기본권을 실질적으로 보장하기 위한 인터넷 광고에 대한 합리적 규제모델을 도출해 내도록 한다. 이러한 연구의 진행을 위해 국내·외 문헌에 대해 조사해보고, 헌법재판소 및 법원의 판례와 공정거래위원회의 결정, 그리고 다양한 관련 홈페이지를 참조하여 귀납적 논증방식에 따라 결론을 이끌어 낸다.

These days are known as the so-called “Information society”. Advertising is accomplished by the effective use of facilities in this information society which includes web advertising, and e-mail advertising. It is required that a new regulation theory exist against such things. Particularly, on-line service providers hasn't sense of obligations similar to the existing media for false or illegal advertising in this new media. Advertising in this new media is more easily published, and publication is less controlled than advertising through the existing media. It can also be published anonymously. In other words, most of the advertising in this new media is beyond the control of the on-line service providers. The on-line service provider may be responsible for the joint tort only when it knew or should have known of the content of the written advertisement. In conclusion, I will study the regulation of internet advertising. Advertising regulation is based on the prevention of unfair competition and consumer protection of civil rights. However, the regulation of advertising must be limited only by the regulation theory against the freedom of business and the freedom of speech as addressed by Constitution. The requirements of suitability, necessity, and minimization must be accomplished in these advertising regulations. In many states, the purpose of advertising regulations is to protect the consumer and to prevent unfair competition. Thus advertising regulations are working to provide more consumer protection. The main issue in advertising regulation is unfair or deceptive advertising. The primary target of these advertising regulations are the advertisers. However, the advertising agency must also be responsible due to its character. The exposure, correction of an advertisement must be introduced to prevent the spread of injury by these advertising.

These days are known as the so-called “Information society”. Advertising is accomplished by the effective use of facilities in this information society which includes web advertising, and e-mail advertising. It is required that a new regulation theory exist against such things. Particularly, on-line service providers hasn't sense of obligations similar to the existing media for false or illegal advertising in this new media. Advertising in this new media is more easily published, and publication is less controlled than advertising through the existing media. It can also be published anonymously. In other words, most of the advertising in this new media is beyond the control of the on-line service providers. The on-line service provider may be responsible for the joint tort only when it knew or should have known of the content of the written advertisement. In conclusion, I will study the regulation of internet advertising. Advertising regulation is based on the prevention of unfair competition and consumer protection of civil rights. However, the regulation of advertising must be limited only by the regulation theory against the freedom of business and the freedom of speech as addressed by Constitution. The requirements of suitability, necessity, and minimization must be accomplished in these advertising regulations. In many states, the purpose of advertising regulations is to protect the consumer and to prevent unfair competition. Thus advertising regulations are working to provide more consumer protection. The main issue in advertising regulation is unfair or deceptive advertising. The primary target of these advertising regulations are the advertisers. However, the advertising agency must also be responsible due to its character. The exposure, correction of an advertisement must be introduced to prevent the spread of injury by these advertising.