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In 1930s Yoon Gon-kang introduced a few of Abercrombie’s poetic principles into Korea. In China Ju Kwang-jam as literary theorist referred to Abercrombie’s idea of communication as a source for theoretical works during the western literature’s incoming period. Recently Jang Doo-hyun has attempted to study Abercrombie for a doctoral thesis only for the purpose of studying Georgian poetry. However, the overview of Abercrombie studies in Korean journals shows that researches on him have been rarely made relatively, compared to representative modern poets. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study Abercrombie’s poetic theory and to examine relevant poems, mainly on his communication theory and aesthetic experience. I discuss his theory theoretically based on conceptional analysis. The “communication” is defined as “publication” by him. He argues that a poet’s aesthetic experience has possibility of its delivery by symbolic words as stimuli. His emphasis on ‘aesthetic experience’ means characteristics of his theory founded on anti-rationalism. In this paper, with the aim of inducing Korean scholars into researches for him as poet as well as poetic theorist, I also exam poetic theories in his poems demonstratively by reviewing his poems rooted in his life-long aesthetic desire.