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플라톤이 상상하고 토머스 모어가 소설로 실천에 옮긴 유토피아는 세상의 어느 곳에도 없는 가공의 장소이다. 유토피아 소설 속에는 독자를 알려지지 않은 세계로 인도하는 다양한 경로가 존재하며 이상적인 사회를 방문한 여행자는 가능 세계를 현실 세계에서 일어나는 사건으로 인식하게 만든다. 발생적 기원과 개인주의의 측면에서 소설은 개인의 문제를 탐색한다. 이 경우 등장인물의 내적인 갈등을 통해 주인공이 사회의 관습에서 일탈되는 전형을 보이기 때문에 소설의 리얼리즘으로 정의된다. 리얼리즘은 사회에서 추방되거나 고립된 개인의 행동과 사고에 대한 이데올로기를 가진다. 그러므로 유토피아와 소설의 리얼리즘은 변증법적 관계를 통해 세상에서 일탈된 인간의 고립과 가능 세계에 대한 접근을 가능하게 해준다. 철학에서는 가능 세계를 이해하기 위해 양상논리가 사용된다. 양상논리는 기존의 참과 거짓이라는 이치논리에 기반 한 명제논리에 필연성과 가능성을 추가하여 다치 논리로 가능 세계를 설명한다. 가능 세계를 가능 또는 불가능의 명제로 이해하면 필연적 진리와 우연적 진리를 구분하는 논리가 필요하다. 이와 반대로 문학에서는 가능 세계의 개념을 다양한 이론으로 응용하여 인접 학문에 대한 연구로 연결시키는 역할을 한다. 문학에서 다루는 가능 세계는 허구의 세계이다. 그렇기 때문에 철학에서 논하는 가능 세계에 대한 논리가 무시될 수 있다. 철학적 논리로 볼 때 가능 세계는 의미가 분명하지 않다. 그러나 문학적 상상력에 의해 만들어진 가능 세계는 부재와 침묵의 이데올로기로 인해 다양한 문학이론을 생성한다. 본질적으로 철학과 문학에서 논하는 가능 세계는 차이가 있다. 그것은 철학이 가능 세계를 이론적 틀로 보는 반면 문학은 가능 세계를 연구의 대상으로 보기 때문이다. 철학적 논리의 영역에서는 가능 세계가 배제되지만 문학은 가능 세계를 비실제적인 세상으로 응용한다. 그러나 유토피아 사상이 인류 역사의 토대에 뿌리를 내린 것이라 해도 유토피아는 주인공의 일탈과 작가의 상상력에 의해 지속적으로 가능한 세계가 만들어진다.

This thesis studies the imagination and deviation from the accident in the realism and its origin of 18th century novel. The Utopia is the place of no where, just as fictional place drawing in the possible words. But there are ways to utopian worlds for the readers led by the visitor who guides ideal world on what possible worlds and future paths are. Novels are in the 18th century initially depended on the author's creative power and intelligence to build up an event of fictional story. When they made publication of new story which involved lots of silence and absence of the text, another writers were engaged in writing deviated story to modify and repeat the problem in the text that did not show the truth of the accident. An accident is the conflict between actual problem and imagined reality when the physical changes come into the culture of the world in the novel. In the case, to solve the problem of possible worlds needs the logic modality because all texts project a system of worlds, modal universe on how the difference between fiction and nonfiction can be characterized in the framework of possible worlds. Possible worlds and individuals are discursively in philosophy vogue nowadays. While philosophers have invoked the concepts of story to explain what a possible worlds is, literary theorists have developed a textual semantics based on the idea that the semantic domain projected by the literary text is a non-actual possible world of an alternative possible world. This is the main idea in this thesis that we have to understand what the real world and possible worlds are in the field of philosophical and literary works. It is important to know that utopian worlds are incompatible when they try to meet the demand and desire between two studies. But in the field of literary works writers and critics have studied the object of possible worlds in the surface of the accident as a real structure existing in the fictional world. They use the possible worlds as an alternative or media to know real world. Therefore, it is true that there are many ways to access to the actual world studying the deviation, experiment, the opposition of the two worlds for the vision of future world. Utopian imagination and deviation in the text are the problem of ubiquitous existence out of possible worlds.

This thesis studies the imagination and deviation from the accident in the realism and its origin of 18th century novel. The Utopia is the place of no where, just as fictional place drawing in the possible words. But there are ways to utopian worlds for the readers led by the visitor who guides ideal world on what possible worlds and future paths are. Novels are in the 18th century initially depended on the author's creative power and intelligence to build up an event of fictional story. When they made publication of new story which involved lots of silence and absence of the text, another writers were engaged in writing deviated story to modify and repeat the problem in the text that did not show the truth of the accident. An accident is the conflict between actual problem and imagined reality when the physical changes come into the culture of the world in the novel. In the case, to solve the problem of possible worlds needs the logic modality because all texts project a system of worlds, modal universe on how the difference between fiction and nonfiction can be characterized in the framework of possible worlds. Possible worlds and individuals are discursively in philosophy vogue nowadays. While philosophers have invoked the concepts of story to explain what a possible worlds is, literary theorists have developed a textual semantics based on the idea that the semantic domain projected by the literary text is a non-actual possible world of an alternative possible world. This is the main idea in this thesis that we have to understand what the real world and possible worlds are in the field of philosophical and literary works. It is important to know that utopian worlds are incompatible when they try to meet the demand and desire between two studies. But in the field of literary works writers and critics have studied the object of possible worlds in the surface of the accident as a real structure existing in the fictional world. They use the possible worlds as an alternative or media to know real world. Therefore, it is true that there are many ways to access to the actual world studying the deviation, experiment, the opposition of the two worlds for the vision of future world. Utopian imagination and deviation in the text are the problem of ubiquitous existence out of possible worlds.