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이 글은 박물관ㆍ미술관에서 활동하는 도슨트의 지위를 ‘해석자’의 위치에서 읽어내고, 도슨트들이 수행하는 역할 가운데 특히 작품에 대한 해석/해설이 관람자들에게 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 대해 해석학의 지평에서 살펴보는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 박물관ㆍ미술관에서의 도슨트들의 다양한 역할 가운데, 필자가 특별히 ‘해석자로서 도슨트’(Docent as interpreter)에 초점을 두는 이유는 이들의 행위가 거슬러 올라가면, 해석학의 주된 관심사 중의 하나인 해석행위의 의미부여 방식과 관계된 상이한 입장을 나타내주는 구체적인 사례가 되기 때문이다. 그래서 이 글에서는 먼저 국내 박물관ㆍ미술관에서 도슨트의 운영 실태와 직무 유형에 대해 살펴보고, 박물관ㆍ미술관에 소장된 예술품과 예술의 성격에 관해 논의하도록 한다. 이어서 도슨트와 예술작품 그리고 관객의 상관관계를 살펴본다. 다음으로 해석자로서 도슨트와 해석의 대상으로서 예술작품에 대해 다루어 보고, 이어서 이와는 전혀 다른 관점인 안내자로서 도슨트와 체험의 대상으로서 예술작품에 관해 살펴보도록 한다. 마지막으로 예술과 비예술의 경계에 대해 생각해 보면서 논의를 갈음하고자 한다. 필자는 이상과 같은 논의를 통해서 우리 시대에 박물관ㆍ미술관의 도슨트의 바람직한 역할을 간접적으로나마 제시해 보고자 한다.

I think that the most important issue in contemporary hermeneutics is status of interpretation/interpreter. Because an action of interpretation about works of art and text would be help, otherwise hinder our action of understanding. Therefore, Interpreter will perhaps play an important role as a guide who will guide audience into the world of works of all, or will play a role as a hinderer who will guide audience into the world of a part of works. In this article, I will consider Docent in museum or museum of art as an interpreter in hermeneutic perspective, and concentrate on role of Docent, especially about interpretation of works of art of Docent. The reason why emphasizing role of Docent as interpreter is that it is connected with an important issue in hermeneutics, that is, a way of give a meaning of action of interpretation. So, we will discuss about now situation of using and work of Docent and the characteristic of art and works of art in museum and museum of art in Korea. Nextly we will deal with corelation with the Docent and audience and works of art. And we will concentrically debate on works of art as an object of interpretation and an object of experience. Finally we will discuss about division of art and non-art. Summarizing these discussion, Are works of art an object of interpretation? or Are works of art an object of experience? Through this hermeneutic question, I will indirectly suggest a suitable role of Docent in museum and museum of art.

I think that the most important issue in contemporary hermeneutics is status of interpretation/interpreter. Because an action of interpretation about works of art and text would be help, otherwise hinder our action of understanding. Therefore, Interpreter will perhaps play an important role as a guide who will guide audience into the world of works of all, or will play a role as a hinderer who will guide audience into the world of a part of works. In this article, I will consider Docent in museum or museum of art as an interpreter in hermeneutic perspective, and concentrate on role of Docent, especially about interpretation of works of art of Docent. The reason why emphasizing role of Docent as interpreter is that it is connected with an important issue in hermeneutics, that is, a way of give a meaning of action of interpretation. So, we will discuss about now situation of using and work of Docent and the characteristic of art and works of art in museum and museum of art in Korea. Nextly we will deal with corelation with the Docent and audience and works of art. And we will concentrically debate on works of art as an object of interpretation and an object of experience. Finally we will discuss about division of art and non-art. Summarizing these discussion, Are works of art an object of interpretation? or Are works of art an object of experience? Through this hermeneutic question, I will indirectly suggest a suitable role of Docent in museum and museum of art.