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YAG : Tb3+, Ce3+, Gd3+ nano-phosphors derived from a sol-gel chemistry have been successfully synthesized and characterized by TG/DTA, XRD, SEM, and spectrometer. The results show that the phosphors have a uniform particle size distribution ranging 30-50 nm. The value of the lattice constant increased with an increase of the Gd3+ content. Tb3+ →Ce3+, Ce3+ →Tb3+ and Gd3+ →Ce3+ energy transfer existed in the co-excited system. The luminescence intensity was controlled by the concentration and ratio of the co-dopants. A small quantity of Gd3+ and Ce3+ evidently increased the green emission (5D4→7F5) of Tb3+.

YAG : Tb3+, Ce3+, Gd3+ nano-phosphors derived from a sol-gel chemistry have been successfully synthesized and characterized by TG/DTA, XRD, SEM, and spectrometer. The results show that the phosphors have a uniform particle size distribution ranging 30-50 nm. The value of the lattice constant increased with an increase of the Gd3+ content. Tb3+ →Ce3+, Ce3+ →Tb3+ and Gd3+ →Ce3+ energy transfer existed in the co-excited system. The luminescence intensity was controlled by the concentration and ratio of the co-dopants. A small quantity of Gd3+ and Ce3+ evidently increased the green emission (5D4→7F5) of Tb3+.