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Banner Land System, as the economic foundation of the Eight Banner System in Qing Dynasty, began to collapse after the middle period of Qing. Flexible selling was a kind of real estate(especially land) dealing form which different from pawning and ultimate selling in traditional Chinese society. After the Banner occupied China, administration of Han chinese and the Banners was separately done. Facing frequent flexible selling disputes with Banner Land, Qing government tried to put flexible selling into a dual pattern of pawing and ultimate selling through promulgating stable laws, and meanwhile eliminating the root of flexible selling disputes through counsel and punishment by judge and announcement. But as a kind of spontaneous, non-government and informal system, the rising of flexible selling had deep social root. In middle and later Qing dynasty, politics was out of control, the widening gap between poor and rich, and land price’s frequent fluctuation all lead to the uncertainty of discount’s reference price; and justice officials’ sentence means which was based on the value idea around Confucian teachings made flexible selling to change from “illegal status” to “common status”, which played an important role in the formation and development of flexible selling. Farmland and allowances were bestowed by the Qing government on the Banners. But by the end of the 18th Century, almost all of the dispensed land had already been sold out. Dependent on meager allowance for a living, the Banners faced livelihood diffculties as a consequence. Whereas it is evident that Manchuria's Banners had found a means to exchange land across caste boundaries, to regulate claims to property that were not reconized by the state, and in the process to conceal illegal acquisitions of land form it, the fact that such developments remained wholly within the sphere of customary practice.