초록 열기/닫기 버튼

自20世纪90年代中期以来,新一轮的区域合作浪潮逐步席卷全球,成为当今世界经济发展的主要潮流。多哈谈判遇阻后,FTA(Free Trade Agreement)发展明显加速,全世界签署的FTA数目不断攀升,至2005年底向WTO备案的FTA有307个。同欧洲、美洲经济一体化进程相比,目前东亚地区则是世界上仅存的区域经济一体化的空白区,虽然也有小范围的区域合作,但影响不大。在韩美贸易协定签署、中国和东盟之间的双边FTA已取得实质性进展的背景下,中日韩在亚洲最有影响力的国家之间的合作至今没有取得实质性进展。从政治经济关系现状来看,中日韩自由贸易区短期内实现的可能性仍然不大。所以目前比较现实的做法就是实现双边合作,推动中韩合作。以中韩为突破点,尽快建立中韩自由贸易区,进而推动中日韩三国乃至整个东亚地区的区域经济合作的发展是目前最佳的选择。

Under the regional cooperation being a main trend of the World’s economic development, East Asia should make China and Korea as a breakthrough, build Sino-Korean free trade district, and then push the development of the whole East Asia’s regional economic cooperation. Both China and Korea want to contribute to FTA and keep the close geographic, humanistic and trade relation. Both countries’ political relation has been improving. In the IT industry, the focus of sino-Korean FTA, sino-Korean IT industries develop quickly and possess the cooperative basis. While in the FTA’s construction, IT industries’ cooperation faces the obstacles: Sino-Korean economic nationalism; the existence of huge china trade deficit for sino-Korean trade; the copyright dispute in the software development. Sino-Korea must take the corresponding measures in order to push the sino-Korean substantial development.