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The provisions related to sustainable development principle in Amsterdam treaty are integration of economic, ecological and social aspects. EU treaty and EC treaty provide it as an anchor provisions of purposes with sustainable development. It means that the sustainable development principle is more important when compared with other purposes in EC Art. 2. Therefore, it's appropriate to consider first the purpose of sustainable development principle to maintain consistency which is needed for the community. Astrid Epiney and Marin Scheyli says that the concept of sustainable development is still evolving principle of international law. According to the opinion of Epiney and Scheyli, that sustainable development, as a principle of international customary law, imposes the obligation to every country in the world to develop international environmental law. Such obligation possibly exists when there is a guaranteed legal interests by the whole world society prohibiting certain conduct. And every country has the rights to such benefits penetrated. Those sustainability concept and its components already exists as standards to understand international legal norms and as starting point for a new international agreements. Although it probably must be considered premature to expect from the inclusion of the principle of sustainable development in the European Law urges rapid and profound changes in the national law, the EU law system maintains positive attitude to the principle of sustainable development. From this point each domestic law has a duty to provide regulations related to sustainable development. The Art. 2 EU, Art. 2 EC and Art. 6 EC of the Amsterdam treaty have been giving a profound influence to each parties and their domestic law system.