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이 글의 목적은 동북아 국제체제의 내적 상호관계와 작동원리를 탐구하는데 있다. 보다 구체적으로 탈냉전의 구조적 조건이 유럽에서와는 달리 동북아 지역에서는 크게 작동하지 못했다는 팩터에 착목하여 동북아 국제질서를 견인하는 고유의 기저 동학(underlying dynamics)을 통시적, 공시적 맥락에서 규명하는데 있다. 중국 일원론적 조공질서 해체 이후 근대 동북아 국제체제의 중심 행위자로 등장한 미․중․러․일은 모두 강한 헤게모니 추구 경향을 지닌 강대국들이었다. 그리고 이들 열강들이 엮어내는 상호작용이 동북아의 정치․지리학적 역학구조와 밀접히 교직(交織)되어 세력간 합종연횡의 동력이 만들어 졌고, 이 과정에서 동북아만의 독특한 지정학적 경쟁구도의 판형이 주조(鑄造)되었다. 그것은 미․중․러․일 역내 4강 가운데 어느 한 국가가 동북아를 일방적으로 지배하는 것을 공동으로 저지하는 다중심 세력균형체제로 요약된다. 이런 권력구조의 다중심적 성격에서 기인한 안정적인 세력균형체제의 작동으로 동북아에서는 냉전질서 뿐만 아니라 탈냉전 과정도 유럽과는 다르게 진행되었다.

Dynamism of the Northeast Asian International System originates from the multi-center system. In addition, the geopolitical competition among four strong nations around the region added more fuel to the existing dynamism. Similar to other historic multi-center systems, the Northeast Asian international system is characterized by conflicts among multi centers due to lack of dominant hegemony. For instance, 'Core Struggle' is the key word, which can best describe the Northeast Asia's international system. The evolution process of the system since the world war Ⅱ is a typical example of fierce power struggle waged by core forces. The core struggle has served as an underlying dynamics, influencing formulation of the current international structure in Northeast Asia. The existing international structure is featured by power balance arising from the current geographical environment, and it won't change easily. Considering all these, this study concludes that the current Northeast Asian International system will continue to stay with us down the road.

Dynamism of the Northeast Asian International System originates from the multi-center system. In addition, the geopolitical competition among four strong nations around the region added more fuel to the existing dynamism. Similar to other historic multi-center systems, the Northeast Asian international system is characterized by conflicts among multi centers due to lack of dominant hegemony. For instance, 'Core Struggle' is the key word, which can best describe the Northeast Asia's international system. The evolution process of the system since the world war Ⅱ is a typical example of fierce power struggle waged by core forces. The core struggle has served as an underlying dynamics, influencing formulation of the current international structure in Northeast Asia. The existing international structure is featured by power balance arising from the current geographical environment, and it won't change easily. Considering all these, this study concludes that the current Northeast Asian International system will continue to stay with us down the road.