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과거 제정러시아의 수도로서 찬란한 러시아 문화의 중심지로 자리잡았던 상트 페테르부르크는 1917년 사회주의 혁명이후 모스크바에게 수도의 자리를 넘겨 주었다. 74년의 소비에트 경험은 문화수도라는 명분만 주었을 뿐, 페테르부르크에게는 도시 자체를 소련의 제2의 도시로 전락시켜 철저하게 모스크바에 의해 통제당하는 아픔만 안겨주었다. 하지만 소련방이 붕괴된 지 약 10년이 지난 2000년 강대국 러시아 건설을 주장하는 페테르부르크 출신 블라지미르 푸틴이 대통령에 취임하고, 2003년 도시창건 300주년을 맞으면서 페테르부르크는 수도이전의 논의와 함께 옛 수도로서의 명성을 되찾기 위한 노력을 경주하고 있다. 물론 직접적인 수도이전의 개연성은 그리 높지 않지만, 수도의 일부 기능이 이전되거나, 혹은 거점도시로서 특정 분야에 특화된 문화 ․ 예술의 중심지로서는 다시 한번 부상할 수 있을 것이다.

St. Peterburg as Cultural Hegemony: Focused on Comparison with Moscow Hwang, Sung Woo Senoir Researcher, Institute of Russian Studies HUFS Jang, Han Lecturer HUFS St. petersburg, which had been center of Russian culture as capital of Imperial Russia, transferred its status as capital to Moscow after 1917 revolution. Soviet experience had only caused St. Petersburg to give seemingly second city, as well as cultural capital in the Soviet Union. But since 2000 when had passed almost 10 years after the collapse of Soviet Regime and Vladimir Putin's advent to presidency, the controversy and movement of Russian capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg were presented. This atmosphere was connected with political, social circumstances that Vladimir Putin is from Petersburg and year 2003 was St. Petersburg's 300th anniversary. Moreover president Vladimir Putin has continuously been assisting that Russia has to be major world power again. Putin will be willingly to drive reform measures in 21th century as Peter the Great did 300 years ago in 18th century. As though direct and realistic possibility of capital transfer is not so high, it is possible that St. petersburg will take over certain important roles of Moscow in the near future, for example, as cultral and art center.

St. Peterburg as Cultural Hegemony: Focused on Comparison with Moscow Hwang, Sung Woo Senoir Researcher, Institute of Russian Studies HUFS Jang, Han Lecturer HUFS St. petersburg, which had been center of Russian culture as capital of Imperial Russia, transferred its status as capital to Moscow after 1917 revolution. Soviet experience had only caused St. Petersburg to give seemingly second city, as well as cultural capital in the Soviet Union. But since 2000 when had passed almost 10 years after the collapse of Soviet Regime and Vladimir Putin's advent to presidency, the controversy and movement of Russian capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg were presented. This atmosphere was connected with political, social circumstances that Vladimir Putin is from Petersburg and year 2003 was St. Petersburg's 300th anniversary. Moreover president Vladimir Putin has continuously been assisting that Russia has to be major world power again. Putin will be willingly to drive reform measures in 21th century as Peter the Great did 300 years ago in 18th century. As though direct and realistic possibility of capital transfer is not so high, it is possible that St. petersburg will take over certain important roles of Moscow in the near future, for example, as cultral and art center.