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케이블방송의 시장지배력이 유지되고 있는 방송시장에 최근 상당한 경쟁력을 가질 것으로 평가받는 인터넷방송(IPTV, internet protocol television)이 진입함에 따라 한편에서는 매체(플랫폼)간 경쟁 활성화로 요금이 인하되고 프로그램이 다양화될 것으로 예측하는 반면 다른 한편에서는 프로그램 산업의 활성보다는 플랫폼간 요금경쟁 심화로 PP에게 귀속되는 수익이 현재보다 더욱 감소하여 프로그램 산업이 더욱 위축되리라는 전망을 내놓고 있다. 이에 더불어 기존 케이블방송사업자에 의한 프로그램의 배타적 거래로 인하여 신규 매체의 원활한 시장진입이 어려울 것이라는 우려도 제기되고 있다. 이에 본 고에서는 경쟁이 공익성의 구성요소 중 하나인 프로그램의 다양성에 미치는 영향과 방송시장에서의 요금결정과 관련된 기존의 이론적 연구결과를 개관하고, 전세계에서 가장 발달한 미국 케이블방송의 규제사례를 분석해 보고자 한다. 이를 바탕으로 인터넷방송의 등장으로 시장구조의 변화에 직면한 우리나라 방송시장에 대한 시사점을 도출한다.

Cable Television(CATV) is maintaining its market power even in the face of competition with the new technologies such as satellite broadcasting and DMB‘s(digital multimedia broadcasting) in addition to existing terrestrial broadcasting. Currently, IPTV(internet protocol television) entered the market and there exists a controversy regarding the effects of IPTV on the diversity programs which is considered as one of the main policy goals in broadcasting. One party claims that increased competition between platforms gives rise to lower rates of broadcasting services and more diversified programs while others asserts that increased competition results in lower rates and lower revenues for program providers resulting in decrease in the production of programs. This paper first reviews theoretical arguments regarding the effects of competition on the diversity of programs and shows that competition has a negative effect on the diversity of programs in ad-supported TV while it has a positive effect in pay TV. Recently developing theories on optimal pricing in two-sided markets hints that increased competition may result in decrease in program production but these arguments need more rigorous studies in order to be generally accepted as a theory. This paper also reviews the case of US regulations of CATV. In general, regulations did not perform well. Rate regulations has had negative effects on program production and sometimes rate reductions were purely nominal. Finally, based on these studies, we draw implications for Korean broadcasting industry which is undergoing a structural change with the advent of IPTV.

Cable Television(CATV) is maintaining its market power even in the face of competition with the new technologies such as satellite broadcasting and DMB‘s(digital multimedia broadcasting) in addition to existing terrestrial broadcasting. Currently, IPTV(internet protocol television) entered the market and there exists a controversy regarding the effects of IPTV on the diversity programs which is considered as one of the main policy goals in broadcasting. One party claims that increased competition between platforms gives rise to lower rates of broadcasting services and more diversified programs while others asserts that increased competition results in lower rates and lower revenues for program providers resulting in decrease in the production of programs. This paper first reviews theoretical arguments regarding the effects of competition on the diversity of programs and shows that competition has a negative effect on the diversity of programs in ad-supported TV while it has a positive effect in pay TV. Recently developing theories on optimal pricing in two-sided markets hints that increased competition may result in decrease in program production but these arguments need more rigorous studies in order to be generally accepted as a theory. This paper also reviews the case of US regulations of CATV. In general, regulations did not perform well. Rate regulations has had negative effects on program production and sometimes rate reductions were purely nominal. Finally, based on these studies, we draw implications for Korean broadcasting industry which is undergoing a structural change with the advent of IPTV.