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이 글은 불가촉성에 대한 차별 기준과 불가촉천민 운동 간의 상관관계를, 남인도의 따밀나두와 북인도의 비하르를 사례로 삼아 밝히려는 것이다. 불가촉성에 대한 차별의 범위와 정도는 이러한 억압과 불평등에 저항하는 불가촉천민들의 운동이 발생하고 전개되는 데 큰 영향을 미칠 것이라고 생각한다. 이 글에서 사례로 택한 따밀나두와 비하르는 불가촉성에 대한 차별의 정도나 불가촉천민 운동이 행해진 양상 면에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보이는 지역들이기 때문에, 양자 간의 상관관계를 이해하는 데 보다 효과적일 것이다. 본론에서는 우선 인도 사회에서 행해지고 있는 불가촉성에 대한 차별의 내용과 종류들을 정리하여 살펴본 후, 20세기 초부터 독립 전후시기에 이르기까지 따밀나두와 비하르에서 각각 행해졌던 불가촉성에 대한 차별과 불가촉천민 운동의 내용을 살펴본다. 본론의 논의를 통해, 첫째, 불가촉성에 대한 차별이 심할수록 불가촉천민 운동이 일어날 가능성이 높아지지만, 따밀나두의 사례를 볼 때 그러한 운동이 불평등 체계 자체에 대한 반대는 아니라는 점, 둘째, 비하르의 사례를 볼 때, 불가촉성에 대한 차별이 심각하지 않은 경우 불가촉천민 운동이 본격적으로 일어날 가능성은 줄어들지만, 불평등 체계 내에서 받아온 억압과 차별에 대한 불만의 에너지는 계급 간의 갈등과 대립으로 전환되어 나타날 수 있다는 점을 밝혔다.

This paper attempts to understand the relationship between the regional differences in discriminating 'Untouchability' on the one hand, and the Untouchable movements on the other. It analyses and compares the historical evidences from Tamil Nadu in South India and Bihar in North India, with an assumption that if the extent and intensity of discrimination against 'Untouchability' are wider and harsher, then the possibility of outbursts of Untouchable movements would be naturally higher. The main parts are divided into three: in chapter II. the general forms and contents of various discrimination against Untouchability are described and analysed with the pan-Indian context in mind; chapters III and IV deal with the case materials about the forms and degrees of discrimination against Untouchability and Untouchable movements against these inequality from the Tamil Nadu and Bihar respectively. The following two points are advanced as conclusions: first, the harsher the discriminations the higher the possibility of movements against these inequlities as in Tamil Nadu; second, even where the discriminations were mild as in Bihar, the pent up energy of the Untouchables themselves can be channenlised into other forms of struggles of the Depressed people, like an agrarian class struggles in Bihar coutryside after the 1980s.

This paper attempts to understand the relationship between the regional differences in discriminating 'Untouchability' on the one hand, and the Untouchable movements on the other. It analyses and compares the historical evidences from Tamil Nadu in South India and Bihar in North India, with an assumption that if the extent and intensity of discrimination against 'Untouchability' are wider and harsher, then the possibility of outbursts of Untouchable movements would be naturally higher. The main parts are divided into three: in chapter II. the general forms and contents of various discrimination against Untouchability are described and analysed with the pan-Indian context in mind; chapters III and IV deal with the case materials about the forms and degrees of discrimination against Untouchability and Untouchable movements against these inequality from the Tamil Nadu and Bihar respectively. The following two points are advanced as conclusions: first, the harsher the discriminations the higher the possibility of movements against these inequlities as in Tamil Nadu; second, even where the discriminations were mild as in Bihar, the pent up energy of the Untouchables themselves can be channenlised into other forms of struggles of the Depressed people, like an agrarian class struggles in Bihar coutryside after the 1980s.