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Present paper deals with the problem of literary theory in general and with reference to Indian literature in particular. During the period of modernism, based on new scientific explorations, many new disciplines came into being and they influenced aesthetics. In this way, psychology, sociology, Marxism, structuralism etc. became integral part of literary theory. Later on, it was found that they tend to follow a pre‐determined and prejudiced value‐judgment approach in literary analysis. This gave birth to post‐modern theory that flourished throughout the world. Slowly it started to degenerate into fragmented judgments. At this point, chaos theory came into being and started playing its role in literary aesthetics. Paper provides a brief critical introduction of the origin, history, development of various concepts, meaning and implementation of chaos concepts to various disciplines, especially to literary theory. As chaos is the latest in post‐modern era, it demarcates itself from the modern traditions of linearity and determinism. Paper also throws light on the ancient parallels of chaos in Greek mythology and social history. Although chaos developed as a branch of mathematics but soon it provided reliable tools to explore other fields of knowledge. It is being used in literary criticism and efforts are to develop it as a full‐fledged literary theory with the support of post‐modernist tools.

Present paper deals with the problem of literary theory in general and with reference to Indian literature in particular. During the period of modernism, based on new scientific explorations, many new disciplines came into being and they influenced aesthetics. In this way, psychology, sociology, Marxism, structuralism etc. became integral part of literary theory. Later on, it was found that they tend to follow a pre‐determined and prejudiced value‐judgment approach in literary analysis. This gave birth to post‐modern theory that flourished throughout the world. Slowly it started to degenerate into fragmented judgments. At this point, chaos theory came into being and started playing its role in literary aesthetics. Paper provides a brief critical introduction of the origin, history, development of various concepts, meaning and implementation of chaos concepts to various disciplines, especially to literary theory. As chaos is the latest in post‐modern era, it demarcates itself from the modern traditions of linearity and determinism. Paper also throws light on the ancient parallels of chaos in Greek mythology and social history. Although chaos developed as a branch of mathematics but soon it provided reliable tools to explore other fields of knowledge. It is being used in literary criticism and efforts are to develop it as a full‐fledged literary theory with the support of post‐modernist tools.