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EU와 그 회원국은 방송통신융합법제에 대한 끊임없는 법제정을 해오고 있으며 우리나라의 경우 방송통신발전 기본법안이 국회통과를 기다리고 있다. 방송통신융합현상은 현재 전 세계적인 추세로 이에 대한 법제와 정책이 큰 관심거리가 되고 있다. EU는 이미 2002년에 방송통신융합법제와 관련한 지침을 제정하였고 이에 연이어 후속적인 지침 예컨대 2002 인가지침, 2002 접속지침, 2002 보편적 서비스 지침 경쟁지침 및 정보통신서비스 지침 등 을 내놓고 있다. 유럽연합의 회원국은 이와 같은 지침의 취지를 방송통신융합과 관련한 국내법으로 전환시키고 있는데 특히 독일의 경우 2007 텔레미디어법 프랑스의 2004 전자커뮤니케이션법이 제정되었다. 우리나라의 경우 방송통신융합법제를 제정하기 위하여 현재 입법적 노력을 기울이고 있는데 그 방향성이 독일의 영향을 많이 받았다. 이는 과거 방송을 바라보는 정치적 역사의 배경과 미디어에 대한 정책에 기울이는 관심이 유사하기 때문이다. 현재 기본법으로서 방송통신발전기본법안이 제안된 상태이지만 이 법안을 포함하여 디지털컨버전스 시대에 논의되어져야 하는 각종 법안 등이 정치적 이슈가 되고 있으며 많은 비판을 받고 있는 실정이다. 기술적인 발전에 부합하는 방송통신융합법제는 법체계에서 오는 규범과 새로운 규제체제가 함께 형성되는 것이므로 매우 신중하게 접근해야 한다. 특히나 이러한 법제를 만드는 과정에서 지나치게 많은 법을 나열하는 것보다는 최소한의 입법을 통하여 방송통신융합시대를 이끌어나감이 옳을 것이라 보며 특히 방송통신의 산업성을 추구하다 보면 간과될 수 있는 공공성을 견지할 수 있어야 한다고 본다.

This paper explore the EU and this member nations’ on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications and Korean Law on the Development of Broadcasting and Telecommunications. The Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications has become a worldwide legal and policy issue. EU has established already the legal system from Framework Directive of 2002 and then is coming the other Directives in this area, for example Authorization Directive 2002, Access and interconnection Directive 2002, Universal Service Directive 2002, Competition Directive 2002/77/EC and Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2007. Under the legal framework the european member nation had to enact or reform the law on the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. Germany and France have established ‘the law for the Telemedia 2007’ and ‘the law on the Electronic Communications 2004’. In a way that the regulating institution of broadcasting and telecommunication is dualistic and that media publicity is accentuated, the system is similar to that of Germany. The Korean media & telecommunication law are preparing for the Law on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications. As the fundamental law in this area the Act on the Development of Broadcasting and Telecommunications was proposing, but the issue of digital convergence involving this Act became the critical issues. The convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications along with technology development has been followed by regulation that comes from legal system and should be regarded as critical consideration factor for designing new regulatory bodies. However this paper suggested adoption of minimum regulation approach based on each need including content regulation and interest of the public.

This paper explore the EU and this member nations’ on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications and Korean Law on the Development of Broadcasting and Telecommunications. The Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications has become a worldwide legal and policy issue. EU has established already the legal system from Framework Directive of 2002 and then is coming the other Directives in this area, for example Authorization Directive 2002, Access and interconnection Directive 2002, Universal Service Directive 2002, Competition Directive 2002/77/EC and Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2007. Under the legal framework the european member nation had to enact or reform the law on the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. Germany and France have established ‘the law for the Telemedia 2007’ and ‘the law on the Electronic Communications 2004’. In a way that the regulating institution of broadcasting and telecommunication is dualistic and that media publicity is accentuated, the system is similar to that of Germany. The Korean media & telecommunication law are preparing for the Law on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications. As the fundamental law in this area the Act on the Development of Broadcasting and Telecommunications was proposing, but the issue of digital convergence involving this Act became the critical issues. The convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications along with technology development has been followed by regulation that comes from legal system and should be regarded as critical consideration factor for designing new regulatory bodies. However this paper suggested adoption of minimum regulation approach based on each need including content regulation and interest of the public.