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고려석탑은 신라 석탑의 양식을 기반으로 새롭게 등장한 복고주의 경향을 반영하고 있다. 국가주도의 불교가 전국으로 확산되는 과정에서 지방 세력이 주도권을 행사하게 되면서 이전과는 다른 석탑양식의 출현을 가져왔다. 고려는 태조 왕건이 훈요10조에서 언급한 바와 같이 불교와 도참사상의 결합을 통해 국가의 안녕을 추구했다. 이에 따라 전국에 다수의 석탑이 건립되었으며, 복고주의 경향을 반영해 고구려계, 백제계 석탑과 같은 비 신라적인 석탑이 등장한다. 마곡사 오층석탑은 기존의 연구를 통해 라마불교의 영향을 받은 석탑으로 알려져 왔는데, 석탑의 객관적인 분석이 결여된 채 라마탑형 상륜에 치중했기 때문이다. 마곡사 오층석탑은 백제계 석탑양식을 토대로 새롭게 유행한 수미단으로부터 영향 받은 기단이 결합된 양상을 보여준다. 반면 상륜부 금동탑은 비록 라마계 불탑양식으로 제작되었음에도 불구하고 석탑의 제작시기와 차이를 보이며, 노반석 면적과 상륜의 상태 등을 고려하면 석탑과 별개로 후대에 추가되었을 가능성이 높다. 따라서 마곡사 오층석탑은 양식상 라마탑 또는 라마탑의 영향을 받은 석탑이 아닌 백제계 석탑으로 구분되어야 한다.

Korea dynasty stone stupa can be defined as the important feature of reactional tendency in form on the basis of fixed type in Shilla which was realized by provincial sense of beauty. As the royal family-oriented aristocratic Buddhism became more popular and the local forces took leadership, stone stupa was spread all over the nation and appeared different form what they used to be and had building purpose. At the same time Dosun’s(道詵) With emphasis on the Complementary Buddhist Pagoda(裨補寺塔之說) especially suggested the ideological indicator of the running of the country, it became the direct background of broad scale temple and stupa building as a means of strengthening royal authority. The appearance of stone stupa form due to oriented-Goguryeo style(高句麗系) and Baekjae style(百濟系) which represented the local sense of beauty came from the raising of local forces which aimed the strengthening forces through the recovery of state territory consciousness from post three-country period to the early Korea dynasty. Nevertheless, theses local form didn’t disappear later on Koryo dynasty founding and influenced many formative arts including stone stupa. It showed that Koryo society was not centralism but dualistic system going with cental and local forces. The stone stupa of Baekjae line ranges in ancient Baekjae from Choongchung province to Honam province area. From among these, the original stone stupa of Baekjae line which exactly imitated the orignal stone stupa form converges on Choongnam and Junbook province area. The five-story stone stupa in Magok temple is the stone stupa of Koryo line being reflected in the influence of Shilla stone stupa form(face a stone smoothly of the body of a stone stupa and method of solemn decoration) which was based on the stone stupa form of Baekjae line(the Stylobate structure). Sambyurcho(三別抄) strife which was suppressed by the allied forces being made up Mongol(蒙古) and Koryo brought about the emergence of political system called Yüan(元) interference period. Especially in the reign period of Korea king who mounted the throne as a son-in-law in Yüan imperial family, the culture of Yüan and Lama buddhism(喇嘛佛敎) was actively absorbed in Korea. The earlier studies on the five-story stone stupa in Magok temple were on the basis of political and Buddhist situation in the latter part of Korea dynasty and they are defined as special stone stupa which were built in the influence of lama style together with the Stupas like 10 storied-Stupa in the temple of Kyoungchunsa(敬天寺十層石塔). But, except if the bronze Sang-ryun(相輪; The top of the stupa portion) installed on the top of stupa, we don’t notice the direct influence of lama stupa. The 4th Buddha (Buddha statues carved on all four sides) sculpt in two-story stupa of body also show style affinity with wooden statue of the Buddha made in 13~14C. It isn’t the limited distinction in the five-story stone stupa in Magok temple. This study which is based on these critical mind will inquire into whether or not lama stupa form being counted as important distinction in five-story stone stupa in Magok temple influenced. And through the age and use of bronze Sang-ryun, Sumidan(須彌壇; a dais for a Buddhist image) style and arc molding, the problem of foundation stones, I will do overall analysis for modeling distinction on five-story stone stupa in Magok temple.