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외국어를 학습할 때 기본 문법이나 어휘를 배우는 것이 중요하지만 학습자들이 초급 단계에서 중, 고급 단계로 올라갈수록 상황에 적합한 어휘를 사용하고 보다 정확하게 그 의미의 차이를 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 그리하여야 자신이 전달하고자 하는 의미를 정확하게 표현하고 상대방의 의도를 이해할 수 있는 전문적인 인재로 발전할 수 있기 때문이다. 특히 몽골인 학습자들의 특징은 비한자문화권 한국어 학습자고 또한, 영어보다 러시어가 가까운 이유로 학습 단계가 올라갈수록 어휘 교육에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 그래서 어휘 중 유의어 학습을 개선 할 수 있는 방법으로 학습자 및 교사를 위한 유의어 쌍 목록집을 제시하는 것이 효과적이라고 판단하였다. 이번 연구는 몽골인 한국어 학습자와 교사를 위한 교육용 기본 유의어 쌍 목록집을 제시하기 위하여 한국어 연구의 주 자료들을 통하여 한국어 교육용 기본 유의어 쌍 추출 목록을 선정하고 몽골에서 대표적인 몽골국립대학교 및 몽골인문대학교의 한국어 학과에서 사용하는 한국어 교재에 나타난 유의어를 분석하였다. 그래서 몽골인 학습자를 위한 교육용 한국어 기본 유의어 쌍 목록 선정 및 몽골대학교 한국어 학과에서 사용하는 교재의 색인 부분에 없지만 한국어교육용 기본 유의어 추출 목록에는 존재하는 유의어 쌍 중 선별하여 몽골인 학습자를 위한 한국어 교육용 기본 유의어 쌍 보완 추출 목록을 선정하였다. 그 결과 명사유의어 460쌍(43.9%), 동사유의어 354쌍(33.6%), 형용사유의어 136쌍(12.9%), 부사유의어 101쌍(9.6%)으로 총 1051쌍을 추출하였다. 단계별로 보면 초급 단계 154쌍(14.6%), 중급 단계 353쌍(33.5%), 고급 단계 546쌍(51.9%)으로 구성하여 선정하였다.

South Korea and several countries have active partnership in all sectors of globalization, and they have friendly relations with Mongolia since establishment of the diplomatic relationship. The number of Mongolian people they are interest in Korean studies, Korean institution, Korean companies, and Korean institutions has been increased. For the first time the learners have learned in the Korean – Mongolian and contrast, but now there was a lot of interest about Korean and Korean studies. Mongolian learners, though do not find difficulties at the beginning, understanding of the kanji-based Korean language is found to be an uphill task at the higher stages of the education. Although it is imperative to learn the basic grammar and vocabulary when studying a foreign language, understanding of the semantic differences of synonyms is equally important too. Because, having known such differences ensures fluent and precise use of vocabulary appropriate to the situation making easy and effective communication. Basic instructional Korean synonyms appeared in Korean textbooks used for the educational proposes at the Korean Department in Mongolian National University and Mongolian University of Humanities were extracted in this study. The results revealed that the vocabulary of both the learners and teachers could be improved effectively by the synonyms presented as a list of pairs of words with guidelines for the users.

South Korea and several countries have active partnership in all sectors of globalization, and they have friendly relations with Mongolia since establishment of the diplomatic relationship. The number of Mongolian people they are interest in Korean studies, Korean institution, Korean companies, and Korean institutions has been increased. For the first time the learners have learned in the Korean – Mongolian and contrast, but now there was a lot of interest about Korean and Korean studies. Mongolian learners, though do not find difficulties at the beginning, understanding of the kanji-based Korean language is found to be an uphill task at the higher stages of the education. Although it is imperative to learn the basic grammar and vocabulary when studying a foreign language, understanding of the semantic differences of synonyms is equally important too. Because, having known such differences ensures fluent and precise use of vocabulary appropriate to the situation making easy and effective communication. Basic instructional Korean synonyms appeared in Korean textbooks used for the educational proposes at the Korean Department in Mongolian National University and Mongolian University of Humanities were extracted in this study. The results revealed that the vocabulary of both the learners and teachers could be improved effectively by the synonyms presented as a list of pairs of words with guidelines for the users.