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1920년대는 근대문학이 질적․양적 팽창을 위해 태동하던 시기다. 이 시기, 문학을 전문적이고 예술적인 영역으로 정위(定位)시키기 위해 당대의 문인들은 끊임없이 담금질을 하고 있었다. 그러나 한편으로 조선의 문인들은 지배층이 ‘이식’한 근대를 ‘추수’해야만 했던 일제강점기의 억압적 상황에 놓여있었다. 따라서 그들은 완결된 세계를 상상한다 해도, 그것을 ‘재현’을 수단을 가지지 못한 시대에 살고 있었던 셈이다. 이러한 맥락에서 미학적 소설 문체의 분화에 대해 끊임없이 갈망했지만 결국 계몽의 색채를 지울 수 없었던 문인 이광수, 개성과 미의 측면에서 문체와 형상화의 문제를 제기했던 김동인은 당시의 지식인 문학관과 문인 문학관의 전형을 보여준다. 이 두 작가가 이러한 문학관을 통해 소설의 형상화와 문체에 대해 보여주는 인식의 틀에는 빛과 그늘이 있다. 다른 한편에서는 카프가 소설의 내용과 형식 혹은 형상화 문제에 대해 고민하고 있었다. 카프 내부에 있으면서도 ‘예술성’의 중요성을 강조하며 ‘묘사’라는 개념을 수면 위로 끌어올린 김기진, 그와 대척점에 서 내용-형식 논쟁을 벌인 박영희의 담론도 1920년대 근대 소설의 가능성과 한계를 보여주는 좋은 예다. 1920년대는 문학의 기교와 문체에 대한 여러 문인들의 다양한 인식이 혼재되어 있는 시기였다. 따라서 1920년대는 이러한 인식들이 모여 소설의 기교와 문체에 대한 논의와 발전의 기틀이 마련되던 태동기로 정의할 수 있다.

The 1920s was the period when modern literature in Korea began expanding in quality and quantity. Writers made relentless efforts to bring literature into professional and aesthetic realms. They, however, lacked means to “materialize” what they imagined under the Japanese colonial rule, in which intellectuals had to “pick” the modernity “planted” by trespassers. Lee Kwang-soo was rooted in the “Enlightenment”. So Lee Kwang-soo considers that writing is a tool of enlightenment. Paradoxically he longing for various aesthetic styles failed to rub off enlightenment odors from his works. On the contrary, Kim Dong-in raised questions about style and imagery from the perspective of uniqueness and aesthetics. His effort that went into the research in creative and original writing has on his style and the early modern novel movement. Also Kim Dong-in desired to achieve unification of the written and spoken language, furthermore pursue the new modern literature in his works. The literary views the two writers had were typical of contemporary intellectuals and artists. The frame in which the novelists perceived fictional representation and styles had both light and shades. Kim Gi-jin, though having joined in KAPF, emphasized ‘artistry’ and brought ‘description’ on the surface. Kim Gi-jin’s view of description is a very exceptional one in KAPF. Arguing with Gi-jin, Park Young-hee took the opposite side of the debate over contents and forms. Park Young-hee argues that writers themselves should be armed with the tight and strong group consciousness. We called it “Debate on content and form”. “Debate on content and form” was an event that gave an enormous impact on the direction of the KAPF movement. They are the very person who took the KAPF to the height of mainstream literature. But the discourse between the two also showed some opportunities and limitations. This paper assumed that the Korean Modern Novels was connected with strenuous effort of “Literary Technique-related description and style-”. “Literature of enlightenment[or propaganda]” and “art for art’s sake” in 1920s were based on the consciousness of modern language-literature. The collision between these opposing literary views during the 1920s set the stage for the discussion on and development of techniques and styles in novels.