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알바니아어는 발칸어연합의 핵심 언어임에도 불구하고 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않았다. 본 논문은 알바니아어에서 발현되는 발칸어소(balkanisms)를 기존 연구 결과들을 통해 살펴보고 이것을 토대로 발칸어연합에서 알바니아어의 정확한 위치를 조명한다. 알바니아어에 대표적으로 발현되는 10여개의 발칸어소가 예를 통해 기술되어 있다. 보수적인 언어인 알바니아어가 외래 문법 형식인 발칸어소를 가장 깊이 토착화한 원인을 찾아 언어학적인 설명을 모색하고 있다. 알바니아어의 예를 통해 문법화(grammaticalization)와 분석성(analyticity)은 같은 성격을 가지고 있으나 다른 선상에서 취급되어야 한다는 점을 분명히 하고 있다. 알바니아어가 종합적 구조의 언어이지만 문법 범주에 따라 분석적 구조의 형태를 받아들여 동화하는 데는 아무런 장애가 되지 않는다는 주장이다. 언어 구조적인 면보다는 언어 접촉의 강도에 따라 좌우된다. 소위 말하는 발칸화 인수(Balkanization factor)의 산정에 이러한 점이 고려되어야 좀 더 정확한 언어학적 발칸화에 대한 결과를 얻을 것이다. 알바니아어가 발칸어연합의 핵심어(루마니아어나 불가리아어, 마케도니아어) 가운데서도 좀 더 발칸화되어 있어 발칸어연합의 대표로 간주할 수 있다.

The so-called "Balkan Sprachbund"(German loan word, "Balkan linguistic Union") comprises Albanian, Rumanian, Greek and the South Slavic languages- Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian. Furthermore Turkisch, Hungarian and Slovenian are also regarded as Balkansprachbund. Yet they have exhibited several signs of grammatical convergence, such as loss of the infinitive, analytical future tense formation, syncretism of locative and directional expressions, analytic perfect tense, postposition of article, number 11-19 formation, The similarities in lexicology and phraseology are most numerous between Albanian, Rumanian, Bulgarian and Macedonian. Therefore these are by certain researchers called Balkan languages of the first grade, Serbo-Croatian and Greek belong to those of the second grade. In this article is tried to demonstrate that Albanian the furthest "balkanizated" language because all of "balkanisms(Balkan features)" are well realized, compared with the first grade languages, namely Bulgarian and Rumanian. Based on their extent of grammaticalization and analytical tendency, Alabnian perfectly includes the postposition of articles, the presence and grammatical use of schwa, object reduplication and the loss of infinitives. The Albanian language is a distinct Indo-European language that does not belong to any other existing branch. Out of those Balkanisms presented in this article, Albanian can be considered to have its closest linguistic affinity in Balkansprachbund.

The so-called "Balkan Sprachbund"(German loan word, "Balkan linguistic Union") comprises Albanian, Rumanian, Greek and the South Slavic languages- Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian. Furthermore Turkisch, Hungarian and Slovenian are also regarded as Balkansprachbund. Yet they have exhibited several signs of grammatical convergence, such as loss of the infinitive, analytical future tense formation, syncretism of locative and directional expressions, analytic perfect tense, postposition of article, number 11-19 formation, The similarities in lexicology and phraseology are most numerous between Albanian, Rumanian, Bulgarian and Macedonian. Therefore these are by certain researchers called Balkan languages of the first grade, Serbo-Croatian and Greek belong to those of the second grade. In this article is tried to demonstrate that Albanian the furthest "balkanizated" language because all of "balkanisms(Balkan features)" are well realized, compared with the first grade languages, namely Bulgarian and Rumanian. Based on their extent of grammaticalization and analytical tendency, Alabnian perfectly includes the postposition of articles, the presence and grammatical use of schwa, object reduplication and the loss of infinitives. The Albanian language is a distinct Indo-European language that does not belong to any other existing branch. Out of those Balkanisms presented in this article, Albanian can be considered to have its closest linguistic affinity in Balkansprachbund.