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‘세계화’는 단순히 경제적 발전이나 개방, 상호의존의 증대 그 이상의 의미를 갖는다. 체코에서의 세계화는 세계화 자체의 진행뿐만 아니라 자본주의 시장 경제체제로의 편입과 자본주의 문화로의 통합 그리고 정치적으로는 보편적 민주주의의 수용을 의미하는 복합적 현상이다. 이 상황에서 체코 지식인들의 역할은 상당히 중요한데, 이들의 역할이야말로 이행기 체코인들의 정체성 변화에 영향을 끼치는 결정적인 요인이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 체제전환과 세계화에 대한 이상주의적 접근법과 현실주의적 접근법을 내세우는 하벨과 클라우스를 중심으로 체제전환과 세계화 과정에서 지식인들의 역할을 살펴본다.

Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political spheres. But the globalization is a complex phenomenom in Czech republic. It contains incorporation into capitalistic economy and integration into pluralistic culture and accommodation of universal democracy. Under these circumstances, intellectuals have been performed important roles which might have influenced Czechs to formulate their identity during the period of transition after 1989. In this paper, I try to analyze intellectuals' role focusing the different roles between V. Havel and V. Klaus. As an idealist, V. Havel has insisted the importance of intellectuals' role in the process of system change and globalization and the direction and the goal of the change should be for universal morals and good. As a realist, V. Klaus has played an important role during the period of transition to the market economy. He has been playing as a defender of Czechs’ interest in the process of integration of European Union and globalization. At present, only 15 years have passed since the communist regime collapsed and the globalization began, it seems that Czechs' identity is unsettled. The ongoing globalization for Czechs is not a just process to accept global standards and to increase global connectivity but a process to find out their true character and identity.

Globalization refers to increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political spheres. But the globalization is a complex phenomenom in Czech republic. It contains incorporation into capitalistic economy and integration into pluralistic culture and accommodation of universal democracy. Under these circumstances, intellectuals have been performed important roles which might have influenced Czechs to formulate their identity during the period of transition after 1989. In this paper, I try to analyze intellectuals' role focusing the different roles between V. Havel and V. Klaus. As an idealist, V. Havel has insisted the importance of intellectuals' role in the process of system change and globalization and the direction and the goal of the change should be for universal morals and good. As a realist, V. Klaus has played an important role during the period of transition to the market economy. He has been playing as a defender of Czechs’ interest in the process of integration of European Union and globalization. At present, only 15 years have passed since the communist regime collapsed and the globalization began, it seems that Czechs' identity is unsettled. The ongoing globalization for Czechs is not a just process to accept global standards and to increase global connectivity but a process to find out their true character and identity.