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1102년 이후 헝가리 영향력 하에 있어 왔던 크로아티아(Ctoatia)는 15세기 이후 확대된 오스만-투르크의 유럽 원정과 헝가리 정복 전쟁에 따라 합스부르크(Habsburg) 영향력 하로 새롭게 편입되게 된다. 1867년 ‘오스트리아-헝가리 이중 제국’의 수립 이전까지 합스부르크 제국은 크로아티아의 실질적인 지배자였고, 그 결과 크로아티아내 사회, 문화, 정치, 경제적으로 수많은 영향을 미쳤고, 그 흔적들이 아직까지 남아 있다. 크로아티아를 사례로 합스부르크 제국 하에서 동유럽 민족들의 문화적 자기 이해를 분석하고자 한 본 논문에선 크로아티아 민족의 문화 정체성 형성과정과 배경 그리고 역사적, 문화적 자기 이해 과정을 연구하고자 한다. 특히 이번 연구에서는 17, 18세기 크로아티아인들이 합스부르크 제국의 지배 하에서 자신들의 민족 문화 정체성(National Cultural Identity)을 어떻게 형성해 갔는지 그리고 그 과정상의 특징들은 어떠한 것들이 있었는지에 대해 연구하게 될 것이다.

The South Slav in Croatia, which was under Hungary since 1102, was under the influence and control of Habsburg for about 400 years from the 15C to 1867(the formation of the Austria-Hungary empire). So, social, cultural, political and economic remnants of the Habsburg remains in nations in Croatia to the present. With this view point, in this paper, I analyze about the cultural self-recognition of the East Europe which was under Habsburg, especially with focused on Croatia from the harmonic and conflicted point of view. In the chapter II, I analyze how Habsburg conquered Croatia. In the chapter III and IV, I study main social and cultural characteristic, and process of formation of national cultural identity of Croatia under Habsburg, especially focused on from 17C to 18C. Finally, in the chapter V, I summarize once more how much had an effect Habsburg's conquer in South Slav in Croatia, and which meaning have this study in study about history of the Balkan

The South Slav in Croatia, which was under Hungary since 1102, was under the influence and control of Habsburg for about 400 years from the 15C to 1867(the formation of the Austria-Hungary empire). So, social, cultural, political and economic remnants of the Habsburg remains in nations in Croatia to the present. With this view point, in this paper, I analyze about the cultural self-recognition of the East Europe which was under Habsburg, especially with focused on Croatia from the harmonic and conflicted point of view. In the chapter II, I analyze how Habsburg conquered Croatia. In the chapter III and IV, I study main social and cultural characteristic, and process of formation of national cultural identity of Croatia under Habsburg, especially focused on from 17C to 18C. Finally, in the chapter V, I summarize once more how much had an effect Habsburg's conquer in South Slav in Croatia, and which meaning have this study in study about history of the Balkan