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This article considers the changes of the international relations after Ukrainian crisis. The Ukrainian crisis was triggered by the Yanukovych government’s lightning declaration of November 21, 2013 to refuse to sign an Association Agreement and Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. But the Ukraine crisis could not escape internationalization. Not only did the Ukrainian crisis create conflicts between Moscow and Kiev, but the crisis exerted a huge influence on international circumstances in post-Soviet space and Eurasia. After the Ukrainian crisis, there rose the deterioration of Russia’s international position and external image, the weakening of global governance, the expansion of NATO’s role, the validity of policies for nuclear abolition and nuclear weapon non-proliferation, economic sanctions war between Russia and the West, the rivalry over energy hegemony as important international issues. After all, it can be said that the Ukrainian crisis serves as an important factor for the changes of international conditions in the global village as well as post-Soviet space.