초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the two meanings, ‘degree' and 'potential', expressed by the same marker de based on the contiguity among the meanings of de. Almost all of the research on the grammaticalization of de shows the phenomena of divergence of de, but it rarely mentions the reason why the divergence emerges. This paper is formed by following three discussions: (1) to look over the syntactic and semantic changes of de with the existing research on the grammaticalization of de; (2) to explore the path of semantic changes of de with the contiguity among the meanings of de as a cognitive base for the syntactic change; (3) to reveal that the two markers which means 'degree' and 'potential' are highly related with each other semantically by investigating the fact that 'degree' and 'potential' are equally the constituents of the semantic continuum of de.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
de, Grammaticalization, Contiguity, Semantic Change, Complement of Degree, Potential-marking Complement