초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study attempts to analyze the inferior comparison structures in Modern Chinese-Korean. We looked into the commonness and differences of “A没有BR”and “‘A는 B만큼(/처럼) R하지 않(/못하)다/A는 B만큼(/처럼) R하지 않는(/못한)다” structures between Chinese and Korean. [‘A’ and ‘B’ are comparative items; ‘没有’ and ‘Korean correspond to 没有’ are comparative word; ‘R’ is comparative result]. The differences are as bellow:(1)In modern Korean, the comparative word has it’s division of work, that is, “~만큼(/처럼) …않(/못하)다’ and “~만큼(/처럼) …못 한(/않는)다”, but there is one form ‘没有’ in modern Chinese. (2) In modern Korean, the comparative items are not composed with predicative phrase, so the predicative phrase must change it’s form into nominal form. (3)When the comparative result is a [-expectation], the inferior comparison structure is not acceptable in Chinese and “~만큼(/처럼) R하지…못하다” form in Korean, but this structure is acceptable “~만큼(/처럼) R하지…않다” form in Korean. (4)In modern Korean, the comparative result NPs are ‘[+degree]∩[+human]’ and/or ‘[+degree]∩[+direction/method]’, the inferior comparison structure is acceptable with it’s “~만큼(/처럼) …지 않다” or “~만큼(/처럼) …이 아니다” form.