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A study on the novels of Korean war to the material in contemporary ChinaThis paper is research about Korean war in literal position. It can say that is the introduction and research about the Chinese contemporary novel which Korean war does to the material. It did not exist before. This paper, at first, looked into the position and change of China about Korean war after the war. I investigated the overall condition of novels to the material and arranged Koreann War in contemporary China. In addition, I analyzed the novel creator, Yang shuo(楊朔), Lu ling(路翎), Wei wei(魏巍) and others with Korean war following army situation of main writers in Literary history. In the methodology, I chose the method to make a work research with the following army experience of the writer. As the result, I investigated the novels to many Korean war first material and arranged. And the analysis about those which is the first steps was the low. Such research product has the meaning to exploit a hereafter research.