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Park, Jeong-O (2006). Romanian Myth and Literature. Foreign Literature Studies, 24, 73-93. G. Călinescu who the greatest literature critic regards root of Romanian literature and culture to result from Romanian four origin myth as like Traian şi Dochia, Mioriţa, Mănăstirea Argeşului and Zburătorul. Those four myth is aboriginal myth of Romania without any connect with Greek and Rome's it when aspects of the origin. This like, G. Călinescu established Romanian four origin myth for define the feature of Romanian people and literature, this is 'starting point of all Romanian writers at mythological dimension'. It is myth deal with like as the formation of Romanian people, pastoral life, self-sacrifice for creation and sexual love between man and woman. At that time, G. Călinescu was mentioned for possibility to find another important myth in Romanian literature further other than this four myth, this Călinescu's expectation was vindicated Romanian folklore study which to continue for last 20-30 years. It is myth that related with long journey and appears between two controversial conceptions, life and death. The main sectors which appear in the myth of theme of long journey can find the texts which related with funeral as like Cântectul bradului, Zorile, Cântectul mare de petrecut. The last two works of folklore regard to very important work in Romanian literature, because it describe in a concrete it with a lot of abundant image the process of journey other then suggest and symbolize long journey. In the Romanian documentary literature, 'myth of long journey' described at Mihail Sadoveanu's Baltagul. The mythological elements also can find to modern literature of Romania. Horia Lovinescu's two drama works, Petru Rareş and Moartea unui artist had wrote as a base of this myth's basic ideology

Park, Jeong-O (2006). Romanian Myth and Literature. Foreign Literature Studies, 24, 73-93. G. Călinescu who the greatest literature critic regards root of Romanian literature and culture to result from Romanian four origin myth as like Traian şi Dochia, Mioriţa, Mănăstirea Argeşului and Zburătorul. Those four myth is aboriginal myth of Romania without any connect with Greek and Rome's it when aspects of the origin. This like, G. Călinescu established Romanian four origin myth for define the feature of Romanian people and literature, this is 'starting point of all Romanian writers at mythological dimension'. It is myth deal with like as the formation of Romanian people, pastoral life, self-sacrifice for creation and sexual love between man and woman. At that time, G. Călinescu was mentioned for possibility to find another important myth in Romanian literature further other than this four myth, this Călinescu's expectation was vindicated Romanian folklore study which to continue for last 20-30 years. It is myth that related with long journey and appears between two controversial conceptions, life and death. The main sectors which appear in the myth of theme of long journey can find the texts which related with funeral as like Cântectul bradului, Zorile, Cântectul mare de petrecut. The last two works of folklore regard to very important work in Romanian literature, because it describe in a concrete it with a lot of abundant image the process of journey other then suggest and symbolize long journey. In the Romanian documentary literature, 'myth of long journey' described at Mihail Sadoveanu's Baltagul. The mythological elements also can find to modern literature of Romania. Horia Lovinescu's two drama works, Petru Rareş and Moartea unui artist had wrote as a base of this myth's basic ideology