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The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between affective factors and English academic achievement of EFL college students. 40 undergraduate students' English achievement was measured in two ways. First, the students' achievement degrees between the midterm and the final exams were measured and the correlations between the participants' self-concept and the achievement degrees were analyzed. Second, the students were divided into two groups as above 850 and below 850 based on their latest Certified TOEIC test scores. Each students' TOEIC score was matched with her self-concept by paired t-test. Third, the two groups' error logs were analyzed as a part of qualitative study. Results showed that there was a strong correlation between students' academic achievement degrees and their affective self-concept and self esteem. Learner's error logs also showed that the higher a learner's achievement is, the more specific and analytic attitude the learner has toward her errors. Practical implications such as a language teacher's role and guided feedback were also discussed.