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본 연구는 학생들이 영어로 작성한 자기성찰일지가 그들의 자기주도적인 영어 학습과 영어쓰기 숙달에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가를 EFL 상황에서 연구하고자 한다. 이 연구의 목적은 1) 자기 성찰일지를 통한 자기주도성과 영어쓰기에 대한 태도의 변화; 2) 자기성찰일지의 역할; 그리고 3) 학생들의 자기주도성을 향상시키기 위한 교사의 역할 등을 조사한다. 경기지역의 한 대학교에서 한학기동안 이루어진 이 연구는 자발적으로 참여한 학생들의 영어 성찰일지와 사전․사후 설문지 그 리고 인터뷰를 통해 자료가 수집되었고, 이 자료들은 코드별로 분리되며 내용분석 기술에 의해 분석되었다. 참여자의 자기 주도적 영어 학습과 일지를 한 학기동안 작성함으로써 얻게 된 경험 그리고 학습 환경에 관련된 어려움 등을 포함한 광범위한 정보는 세심하게 연구주제별로 분류되었다. 이 연구의 결과는 참여자의 학습일지가 영어쓰기의 자신감을 향상시켜줄 뿐만 아니라, 더 나아가 학생들로 하여금 매일 해야 할 일을 상기시켜 줌으로써, 그들의 학습목표와 목적을 분명하게 성찰할 수 있도록 도와주었다. 결과적으로, 자기 주도적 영어 학습을 활용하기위해서는 내적학습동기가 과정 내내 부여되어야 하고, 영어 교사는 학생들로 하여금 영어 학습을 메타인지적 전략을 통하여 구상화 하고, 구조화 할 수 있으며, 시간활용을 효과적으로 할 수 있도록 도와주어야 할 것이다.

The study examines how students' reflective journals affect their self-directed English language learning and English writing proficiency in a tertiary EFL context. The purpose of this study was to investigate the following: 1) the students' attitude toward self-directed learning and English writing by keeping reflective English journals; 2) the role of reflective journals; and 3) the teacher's role in improving the students' self-directedness in ELT. The participants were a group of volunteer students at a university in Kyeonggi province. The data were collected throughout the course of an academic semester, and included a pre- and post- self-assessment questionnaire reflective journals, and both individual as well as group interviews, which were analyzed by using an open-coding and content analysis. In so doing, the participants' discursive formation related to self-directed English learning and professed difficulties from the experiences of keeping English journals throughout the course; learning environments were carefully categorized according to the research questions. The results of the study showed that the students’ reflective journals helped them to improve English writing confidence and furthermore to clarify their learning goals and objectives to deepen their learning purposes by indicating daily to-do lists. Consequently, in order to utilize self-directed English leaning, intrinsic motivation should be provided throughout the course and English teachers should help students to understand meta-cognitive learning strategies such as visualizing, mapping English learning contents and also to utilize effective use of time schedules.

The study examines how students' reflective journals affect their self-directed English language learning and English writing proficiency in a tertiary EFL context. The purpose of this study was to investigate the following: 1) the students' attitude toward self-directed learning and English writing by keeping reflective English journals; 2) the role of reflective journals; and 3) the teacher's role in improving the students' self-directedness in ELT. The participants were a group of volunteer students at a university in Kyeonggi province. The data were collected throughout the course of an academic semester, and included a pre- and post- self-assessment questionnaire reflective journals, and both individual as well as group interviews, which were analyzed by using an open-coding and content analysis. In so doing, the participants' discursive formation related to self-directed English learning and professed difficulties from the experiences of keeping English journals throughout the course; learning environments were carefully categorized according to the research questions. The results of the study showed that the students’ reflective journals helped them to improve English writing confidence and furthermore to clarify their learning goals and objectives to deepen their learning purposes by indicating daily to-do lists. Consequently, in order to utilize self-directed English leaning, intrinsic motivation should be provided throughout the course and English teachers should help students to understand meta-cognitive learning strategies such as visualizing, mapping English learning contents and also to utilize effective use of time schedules.