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This article aims at figuring out the possibility that Wonhyo’s Huayan thoughts might be established within the context of East Asian Huayan thoughts by examining Wonhyo’s explanation on Chapter ‘Awakening by Light’(光明覺品) which is the all of the extant parts in his exegesis of Buddhāvataṃsakasūtra. Regarding Chapter ‘Awakening by Light,’ eight explanations are extant, which are from Huiguang(慧光)’s extant part of Huayanjingshu(華嚴經疏), Lingbian(靈辯)’s Huayanjingrun(華嚴經論), Zhiyan(智儼)’s Suxuanji(搜玄記), Fazang(法藏)’s Tanxuanji(探玄記), Huiyuan(慧苑)’s Kandingji(刊定記), Litongxuan(李通玄)’s Xinhuayanzinglun(新華嚴經論) and Chengguan(澄觀)’s Huayanjingshu(華嚴經疏). This article compares Wonhyo’s explanation with these eight ones focusing on the way of breaking the Sūtra down into small sections for analysis(科文). Among these, Huiguang’s explanation affects specifically Zhiyan’s one and Wonhyo is influenced by Zhiyan while Wonhyo’s way of explanation has an effect on the exegeses of Faznag, Huiyuan and Chengguan. The characteristic of Wonhyo’s explanation found in his exegesis of Chapter ‘Awakening by Light’ can be summarized by the following three points: Firstly, as for the way of breaking the Sūtra down, Zhiyan’s way of interpreting the Sūtra which is formed from the four parts is generally accepted by the Huayan theorists after him but Wonhyo takes only two parts, namely basic meaning(來意) and explication following the text(隨文釋). Secondly, Wonhyo interprets the verses from the perspective of Buddha’s name, Buddha’s teaching, Bodhisattva’s name and Bodhisattva’s teaching, which seems to be established by himself. At the same time, the contents of Wonhyo’s explanation might be affected by Huiguang and can be connected to the viewpoint of Litongxuan. Thirdly, Wonhyo defines Chapter ‘Names of the Buddha,’ ‘The Four Holy Truths,’ ‘Awakening by Light,’ and ‘An Enlightening Being Asks for Clarification’ as the parts on faith(信心分), which is unique to Wonhyo. These characteristics of Wonhyo’s interpretation might come from his doctrinal position of trying to reveal the Buddha’s original feature based on the practical perspective such as asserting the dual functioning of calm and insight(止觀雙運) in the explanation of the reason why the Buddha emits a hundred billion light beams.